There is not a rise or decrease in energy or awakening Kundalini is always active within us. That is what balanced chakras indicates. That you are flowing energetically. Flow and grace of energy in your chakra column. Kundalini is a metaphor for the creative energy of the source/divinewithin, it exists in all things & at all times, it is not dormant and does not need to be
‘awakened’ … is the life force……of which all things are a part of. No one can have a blocked chakra – we need them to survive… but once open and in harmony we will do more then survive we will fly! Chakras do need to balanced. A healer like me will help with this but you can do it on your own too. Just takes a lot longer. I myself a heaker, receive healings to help myself! I consider it mandatory self care. When we say our chakras are opening or awakening- It is us that has to awaken from the illusion of who we think we are vs. Waking to our true self! self-realization is where kundalini awaits! Kundalini is the center of consciousness, the now, the true self, pure essence, Unconditional Love.
Seekers will find that what they have been seeking has been seeking them from the start.Feom what I understand- when our zodiac sun sign rules the moon a sacred secretion happens in our brain. The Cristos oil is produced just under the cerebral cortex this oil travels down the 33 vertebrae or chakra column or Jacobs ladder to the sacrum where it marries a seed of energy that is produced from our reproductive system, this is called our Hara. From there the energy ascends back up Jacobs ladder to the brain activating the corpus callosum allowing both hemispheres of the brain to function simultaneously in harmony. Balanced is key!!!
Original tantrik traditions mention 2 kundalinis, one that raises from the base, and one that descends from the crown, uniting as one at the heart/along the center channel. This also creates a merkaba . We can use this for spiritual and astral travel. Imagine a pyramid with the base or bottom at your shoulder level and the tip pointing into the earth ( @ earth star chakra) and another pyramid with the base or bottom at your hips and the tip pointing up ( @ soul star chakra)- Energetically a 3 dimension star of David. This is our merkaba!
- Stepping into this energy activates our flow. the raising of the energy has more to do with the transcending the body mind, and then the descent of the energy will then embody the transcendent.
as I understand it; Feminine energy comes into the body going top-down (Knowledge, wisdom. Tree of Knowledge). Masculine rises bottom up (Life force, Tree of Life). Together they circulate in the body. Both is Kundalini energy.