Abundance Experiment

Day 1:Go through all old bills and receipts and write THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU on them. Feel how wonderful it is you had the mo ey to buy this item. Electricity? Yay that is light in the dark of night! THANK YOU! ❤️ Food st grocery store? Yat that is such a blessing food for sustenance and healthy body what a gift! Yum@ my tum!! THANK YOU ❤️

Day 2: think of all the things you’ve been given in yoir life! Seriously….wow!.

Day 3: Where does your money come from?

Adding some clarity on “what counts.” We are here to tell you that EVERYTHING COUNTS!

Work a full time job? Divide your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payment by the amount of days to track for the day!

Ie: bi-weekly payment of $5,000/14 = $357.14/day

Receive food stamps per month? Divide total amount by 30 days

Ie: $500/30 = $16.66/day

Received a free meal? Look at the menu, add up the sales tax & count it!!

This is a NO SHAME GAME. Our primary focus is on recognizing WHERE our money is coming in from even if it’s NOT STAYING with us. The more AWARENESS you create around your money coming in, the least amount of energy you’re putting on where it’s going out. It’s in the smallest shifts that we get to practice gratitude & recognition for money.


* I got this gam.e from a free facebook class. If you love it I will send you the coaches name! 

DAY 4: What does financial freedom mean to you?
Reflect on the question & feel free to share it.
Also, write about a financial goal that excites & motivates you!

I’m angel freedom for me”

Financial freedom means always having enough before the needs arrive, not having to worry about where the money is going to come from 2 pay for bill’s applications. It means not having to wait or say no to things that I want to do for myself and my family. Financial freedom means being free to buy what I want when I want and not worry about where the money will come from to pay for it. To be able to travel and have experiences with my family and my spiritual community. It means being abundant and prosperous in all aspects of life, family life, financial life, joyful, life, travel, adventure, excitement, financial freedom means never having to say no I don’t have enough money. Financial freedom means being able to say yes. I want to experience that by that or do that. A financial goal that excites me is being able to travel. Travel with my family and be able to experience new adventures. New places and have fun spending money while there. I truly want to go to Egypt with Larissa and Shakti. I I want to go and receive those keys and codes and bring them back here to my community for my family. I want to go to glastonbury uk because my guides have told me it is time. I want to go there and anchor in my light with that patt of planet and bring it home to NH. want to go to Disney with my children and I want to go to Fatima as a family.


  1. Day 5: Start a gratitude journal for all the gifts you receive in the future. This us abundance game from Abraham Hicks.  Other first day imagine you were given $ 1,000.00 what would you spend it on? Go shopping for it. Calculate it. Say THANK YOU ❤️ The next day you get $ 2,000. The next day $3,000 on and on. Do it every day for 30 days!! It is almost hard to spend it as it gets bigger in value…. challenge yourself. It is unlimited. Have fun. Feel the gratitude and play in it@@@