Earth Star Chakra

Vasundhara, which translates as “The Daughter of the Earth.” Also called the “super root,” the Earth Star chakra is the grounding energy center that belongs to the etheric body.


“I am grounded in life and in myself
I feel connected to the earth
I believe in who I am and my ability to live my full potential
I relax into the truth of who I am”

“I am ONE with all of Nature. My roots are grounded deep within the earth. I am safe, secure and supported. I am fully present. Great Mother, I am grateful. I connect now with my Earth Star Chakra…connected to the center of our Mother.”

“I feel connected with earth and all of human kind, past and present. I am present and grounded on all levels. ”

“I am connected to Mother Earth. Mother Earth supports me.I am grounded to Gaia.”

Essential Oil Blend:
Frankincense, Myrrh, Copaiba, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and Vetiver essential oils. Thoughtfully blended for the Earth Star Chakra.

Gemstone/Crystal: Black Onyx to absorb and transform negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. These gemstones aid in the development of emotional and physical stregth and stamina.

Because it helps to hold physical memories, Black Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues.