A poem for parents with wisdom

“Children from a very young age should be taught that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, that if you point your right hand to the East, your face will face North and your back will face South, that the direction of the water in a river is the direction towards the sea, that the Moon rises in the East and sets in the West, that if there is no moon there is a star that indicates the north and your latitude, that the more to the horizon you see the Polar Star, the closer You are from Ecuador, if you see a bird in the middle of the sea it is because there is land where it flies.

Respect and love for animals, trees, the earth and the elements that give us life.

Teach them all this before giving him a cell phone because the cell phone runs out and the signal is lost… wisdom is never lost.

Let’s not let them lose connection.”

~ Author Unknown