1800 – now. The ‘Spiritual’ movement is still moving….same stuff different era…

” Anton mesmer 18th century Austrian healer had Spread to the United States and by the 1840s held the nation in thrall. According to one theory everything of the universe including the human body was composed of an electromagnetic fluid proposing that an imbalance of this essential substance called. Illness mesmer claimed to cure patients by re adjusting the flow of electromagnetism to the body’s disease or injured parts”

Is this Same as Reiki? Yes it is!

Healers known as mesmerists accomplished their work by placing a patient into a trance called a magnetic sleep while waving their hands gently over the subject’s. Body whether or not the cure took the subject was said to have been mesmerized or magnetized in a process now viewed as a precursor to hypnosis.Phrenologyy New theories where an individual’s personality could be ascertained by the shape of his or her head. Each area of the brain phenologist asserted not only produced a distinctive lump on the skull but also corresponded to a specific character trait experts in the field. Drew segment to diagrams to illustrate their points and probed for revolatory lumps on the heads of volunteers.Quakers held that each individual possessed an inner light or spark of the divine.” 18th century Swedish philosopher and mystic Emmanuel Sweden Borg wrote extensively about his conversations with God Jesus spirits and angels also cross the Atlantic swedenburg’s fault or followers. Had found at the church of new jerusalem but aspects of his writings appeal 2othergroupsaswell.”” Poughkeepsie sier Andrew Jackson Davis of New York claim to experience visions of Swedenborg wall and mesmeric trance linking his predators in a manner. That might have surprised them both in their lifetime. Davis’s early lectures were published in the mid eighteen forties and he became known as the policy sear”” The shaker society had been established in America. By mother anne lee whose followers believed her to embody the feminine side of a dual natured god as jesus had embodied the masculine aspects and it was notably the community’s girls and young women who were swept up in the excitement claiming to be seized by spirits they danced and wildly saying spoken tongue swayed

and swooned”