Chakra Detox

Dear Friends,Thank you so much for joining me on this Chakra Detox Diet and Healing Journey of Mind, Body and Spirit. I am so happy you are here to join this healing journey with me. LIFE is a MAGICAL. Well…it should be- so why isn’t it? What if more was possible!? How do we open to more magic in our life, for me, the chakra detox is always magical and I always end up at the end of the journey manifesting amazing opportunities, feeling better, and looking better too.

I spent years studying acting, directing, comedy and Improv in NYC and likewise, years following a divine path, theology, spirituality and healing. I have studied many different healing modalities, psychology and been blessed to have many mentors and received great wisdom in life path coaching. I am Usui Shiki Ryoho Second Degree Certified Reiki Natural Healing from Sprouting Love, LLC. I started doing the chakra detox diet in 2006 as a way to teach myself more about the chakras. For the longest time I saw my artist self as separate from my healing self. I never thought the two connected until I almost passed away – choking on a salmon bone. Salmon, coincidentally, in the Celtic and Druid traditions, is a symbol of attaining (or striving to attain) wisdom. Most people think near death experiences have to be a gunshot or a drowning…something big and messy. But, no sometimes they are quiet and silent and lonely. No matter how they happen…messy or not, they are real. Near death experiences are intended to be a wake up call.I see now how everything is connected and how life is a journey and every breath is a blessing.Trust me, having been in experience where breathing is not an option – you see how every breath is a blessing! We often forget what a blessing it is to simply breath in each and every moment. In our hardest, most stressful moments the gift we have been given is that of breath . To breathe through that moment of stress and anger, and release fear and worry is a gift.

Community and connection is more important than ever in these post Covid-19 times. Let’s come together online, in person or in spirit. I create mini-workshops/events that are led in the comfort of your home tailored to you. your friends and the season you are in to better help you manifest healing, change and spiritual empowerment!

Please know that I am NOT a doctor, so please use your intuition and seek medical advice when necessary. As with everything with this healing journey: IF YOU CAN’T THEN DON’T! This is not about perfection, but intention. Do the best you are able to. Keep what works for you and throw the rest away. This whole program is about YOU CONNECTING TO YOUR DIVINE SELF- SO YOU ALWAYS KNOW BEST!!

Here are some tips that will help you enhance your experience and tips & tricks I have learned along the way:

*Set your intention with all you do…”I am healing my relationship with food. I am mind- body- soul. I am focused on healing inside and out. I am well. I am healthy. I am happy. I am balanced. I am now living with perfectly balanced chakras.I attract health, wealth, love, joy and success in all ways!”

*Go grocery shopping. Buy the food you are attracted to. Think RAINBOW. Avoid all processed or pre made foods if possible. I will post foods to inspire you but trust your intuition. Look for the color. As we go up the chakra column we will naturally detox. *Food: be aware of EVERYTHING you eat that day. In your journal, make food entries, to track what you are eating and how you feel eating these foods. TRY to eat as much as you can of that color (or foods of that chakra) Do not worry if you can’t stick to it 100%, just be aware of what you eat and its relationship to your chakra. Keep track of everything you eat! (yes, EVERYTHING!) Some chakras will be easier than others, Keep note of that, this is where we begin to see and feel our relationship to food and our bodies. Also note what you crave…these are your body’s clues!!! How does your physical body FEEL? What did you eat? Write down what you eat, where you slipped up if you did. How did it make you feel to eat the food? How do you feel now before going to bed, did you learn anything today about that chakra and your relationship to it?

*Remember the magic ingredient to healing your chakras with food- say a blessing of gratitude before you eat! Our ancestors were onto something here and we seem to have forgotten how important the attitude of gratitude is for all things in life. Noticing the mind body connection and growing from it, with it, through it by saying Thank you to your food before you eat it will help you connect to the healing from within that food and imbue your soul with it.

*KEEP A JOURNAL I suggest first thing in the morning, write at least 3 pages in an automatic flow, do not edit just write what comes up and let it flow out. You can write about your dreams from the night before(they could be WILD). Use it to keep a food log and write about what you eat- keeping track of what you are eating is a great way to see how foods are connecting to your mind, body and spirit connection. Write about what you wore that day, how you feel, and what you are grateful for! You can also share some of these observations in the facebook group as well!I

*Begin each day by THINKING RED or BLUE whatever color it is you are working on! Take a minute to SAY OUT LOUD 10X into the mirror, your daily affirmation connected to that chakra.

*Wear the chakra color: underwear, socks, shirts, shoes, nail polish, scarfs, eye shadow, wear your color and show the world as much as you can! Do you have any jewelry that works for that chakra? Wear it!! Notice how you feel in each color, and how people respond to you in that color.

* I recommend a practice of daily gratitude- Gratitude is truly the key to opening up all the magic in your life. End every day with 3 moments of your day that you are grateful for. Say Thank you X3 and set intentions that the next day will be even more magical. Write them in your journal, say them at night before bed like a prayer and/or share in the facebook group.

*Try to take time every day to be still of mind and quiet with no interruptions. (Start out with one minute, then two, then three, etc.) Breath. Listen to your thoughts, don’t argue with them. Just Listen. Go for walks and be out in nature as much as you can.

*For each new chakra- Set your intention and prepare your space. I highly suggest a sacred space where you can focus your attention. Have FUN with it! Try to — as much as possible–imburse yourself in the color and energy of each chakra for the week. Candles of the color can also work and are beautiful to focus on at night in meditation or while you write in your journal!

*DRINK A LOT OF WATER. AT LEAST 8 GLASSES of 8oz a DAY! Don’t slack this is crucial!!! I tend to drink my calories every day, so try to replace everything with water or tea. I tend to really love hot drinks, so hot water and a drop of lemon or peppermint essential oil for me always does the trick to satisfy that craving. I have included DoTerra “Slim & Sassy” which is a detox E.O. which helps you satisfy cravings. I love it. If you can drink out of a color cup (to match the chakra) or charge your water with that energy- hold the cup in your hand and say the affirmation connected to it into the water like a blessing, then drink it with that intention, so it is. If you really like visuals take the glass of water and lay it on top of colored paper and or plain paper with chakra symbol OR you can use essential oils, one drop of an internal supplement oil that is connected to that chakra, in a glass of water is lovely, and I do this often But, please talk to me first because most oils should not be taken internally – As a DoTerra rep I can guide you to which to use that are safe.

*I will give you a yoga pose every Tuesday during the series – hat are chakra openers. Stay in these poses 07 minutes each to connect more deeply in that chakra’s power center. By the end of the workshop you can put them together and will have a yoga flow that will carry you through the journey and always be there to help you keep your chakra’s wheel turning and in balance.

*When you take a shower or bath imagine the water to be infused with the color light you are working on: let the water wash over you, cleansing and purifying you and filling you in that energy (if you can use natural mineral/sea salt to bath in–this is a natural energetic purifier)! You can also treat yourself to lovely soaps of that color to remind you and connect you to that chakra as you lather up! I have chakra reiki infused bath salts available for $5 each of $22 for all seven. If you would like to purchase them please email me at or private message me on my facebook business page I accept payment via cash, check or

* stones/crystals carry the crystal with you, like a BFF, your crystal should be with you as much as possible to help you shift your energy. (I am a huge fan of crystals in the bra). At night you can put the crystal under your pillow. You can coordinate or simply look for jewelry of the color!

*Notice your color when out in the world, other people’s shirts, cars, signs, etc. Do you see it everywhere or nowhere? Make note of your relationship with this color.

*Remember to Sit still and allow yourself to “be” as well. Love yourself, be gentle and supportive of yourself. Imagine yourself living your best life NOW, having a balanced mind/body/soul connection. Allow your future to then be BETTER than you can imagine! Trust that the universe is working to make it happen.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Please remember the more active you are in the facebook group the more fun we will all have and the more collective healing and shifting we will be able to experience –

Sunday: I will post recipes. This is a great day to do your shopping.

Monday: I will post affirmations for you to choose from to say out loud

Tuesday: I will post a new yoga pose

Wednesday: I will post a guided meditation

Every Thursday: I will post sound & music associated with the chakra

Every Friday: I will send you distant reiki to help you in that week’s chakra center and help you deepen the connection you have created all week.

Every Saturday: I will record/go live for a 101 about the next week’s chakra so you can start to shift into that energy and be prepared to begin the next chakra each Sunday.

If you wish to contact me, you can text me at 603-562-0777, or private message me on facebook. With so many blessings, and a heart full of gratitude, I thank you for joining me in this healing journey and I wish you all the blessings and a future BETTER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE! Please join my facebook business page at Love & Light. Om Shanti,

Paige Lussier Johnson

ROOT CHAKRA is Grounding. Root Chakra says: “I am rooted. I am grounded. Mother Earth supports me. All my earthly needs are met. I am safe. I am stable and secure. I am at home wherever I am. I am protected.” COLOR RED- Wear red, think red as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the root chakra during the week.

FOOD-Drink a lot of water!! Meat, Coffee, Red Wine/Beer/Alcohol, Sugar– all Ok. Do try to remove table salt from your food intake-perhaps a mineral salt or kosher salt. Also, Please remove soda from your diet. Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, etc.Protein-rich foods: eggs, meats, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butterSpices: horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper

SACRAL CHAKRA is Nourishing the Sexual/Creativity Center. Sacral Chakra says: “ I am joyful. It is my divine right to receive pleasure. I am creative. I love to move my body. I am loved. I deserve to be loved. I am beautiful. I am safe, it’s only change. Change is good. I am perfect right now in all ways, always.” COLOR ORANGE- Wear orange, think orange as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the sacral chakra during the week. FOOD- Drink a lot of water!! NO RED MEAT – Fish and Crustaceans only (no red meat/chicken, etc) with Sacral. Do try to remove milk and sugar from coffee and just go black. Beer is OK but try to avoid. Eat Orange foods as much as possible, Pumpkin, Carrots, etc. Sweet fruits: melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut, etc.Honey & Nuts: almonds, walnuts, etc. Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, caraway seeds

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is Boosting Self-Esteem and Encouraging Self-Love. Naval Chakra says: “ I AM. I stand in my power. I am worthy. I honor myself. I am a divine being having a human experience. I love myself unconditionally. I release all judgments of self and others. I’m strong. I am courageous. I follow my dreams. I can do everything I desire. I am the commander of my life and the ruler of my world”COLOR YELLOW- Wear yellow, think yellow as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the naval chakra during the week. FOOD- Drink a lot of water!! Fish only. (No red meat, chicken, Crustaceans, etc.) Eat Yellow Food, Peppers, Summer Squash, Pasta, Breads, Cheese, etc. Do try to move to black tea only for caffeine, no alcohol at this point. Granola and Grains: pastas, breads, cereal, rices, flax seed, sunflower seeds, etc.Dairy: milk, cheeses, yogurt Spices: ginger, mints (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), melissa, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, fennel

HEART CHAKRA is Healing Emotional Hurts. Heart chakra says: “ I am pure love. I direct love and light towards myself. I am protected by the highest white light. I live in harmony with all of earth’s creations and humanity. I forgive myself and others through all space and time. There is an infinite supply of love. I trust. The divine process in life”COLOR Green- Wear green, think green as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the heart chakra during the week. FOOD- Drink a lot of water!! NO MEAT. NO FISH. Vegetarian! Green leafy foods, plenty to choose from! Do try to move to green tea only for caffeine, no alcohol at this point. Leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, etc. Air vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, squash, etc. Liquids: green teas. Spices: basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley

THROAT is Speaking One’s Truth. Throat chakra says: “ I have a strong clear voice. It is safe to say what I believe. My voice is beautiful. I sing my own song. I am pure eternal consciousness. I am an excellent listener. I resonate with the truth in all things. I am honest and authentic with my speech and actions. I speak only the truth about myself and others. I release all oaths, swears and promises of past lives or ancestral DNA that hold me back in any way.” COLOR Blue- Wear blue, think blue as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the throat chakra during the week. FOOD- Drink a lot of water!! Coconut water is great for this chakra Vegetarian! Blue–it is getting harder to find food, yes? Salads! Blueberries, blue carrots & other blue organic vegetarian options… Liquids in general: water, fruit juices, herbal teas Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi. Other tree growing fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc. Spices: salt, lemon grass. Mushrooms. This chakra loves food that soothes the throat and relaxes the jaw. So soups and smoothies are so great for this chakra! Do try to move to herbal tea with only NO caffeine, (if you are not ready to make the jump stay with green tea) no alcohol at this point.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA is Awakening Third Eye Senses. Brow Chakra says: “I am in touch with my inner guidance. I trust my intuition. I love and accept myself. I am at peace. I accept and welcome new and latent abilities, skills and talents. I am worthy of success. I know that all is well in my world. I am made of star-stuff. I am talented”COLOR Blue/Indigo- Wear blue, think indigo, dark blue or deep purple as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the third eye chakra during the week. FOOD- Drink a lot of water!! VEGAN! No Dairy. No Sugar. No Gluten. No corn. No soy. Dark bluish colored fruits: blueberries, red grapes, black berries, raspberries, etc. grape juice Spices: lavender, poppy seed, mugwort

CROWN CHAKRA is Opening and Clearing the Spiritual Communication Center. Crown says:“ I activate blessings in my life now. I command my best life to come into reality NOW. I am aligned with my highest and best self. I am divine. I see the divine light in everyone and everything.I am open to all abundance and greatness the universe can offer. I honour myself and others.” COLOR Violet/White- Wear violet or white, think of light- pure and vibrant – a violet flame of transmutation as much as possible. We will talk about and learn more about the crown during the week. fasting / detoxing. Incense and Smudging Herbs: sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper. *Incense is not to be eaten but is ritually inhaled through the nostrils. AIR. (Go outside to get as much fresh air as possible- see it nourishing your body) FASTING:. Try to begin fasting in the morning, then later in the day with Fresh Juice or smoothie, or veg. broth, eat one meal at the end of the day after sunset – with only all natural whole RAW foods. Vegan, try to avoid all oils, corn, soy, and gluten as well. The whole week will focus on liquids: vegetable broths, water! Try to eat raw natural foods only. Herbal tea only, no alcohol at this point.

*As with everything with this detox if you can’t DON’T just be aware of what you eat, and why. This is about intention and awareness not perfection