Why you are worthy and deserving of healing

I hear you. I hear you say : ” I can’t afford a healing session right now but I really want one!”

Fair enough. I get it.

But, I want you to think about your time and health and think about this as an investment in yourself; an investment in your time and in your health and; I want you to think about what that is worth to you.

The other day I went to my local Big-Mart store for vitamins and a few items around the house and  before I knew it, the bill came to $91.23, for what? cough drops, paper plates and trinkets around the house. Money adds up quickly and passes through our fingers. It’s easier to spend $19.99 five times on junk then $100 on something that we really want. Why is that? I want you to think about all those times you’ve spent your money on things that don’t really matter.  And, so while I understand that a healing session with me is not cheap, I know it is worth it. You are worth it. Self care and healing is worth it. I trust that once you get a healing you are going to love it.

For me, for years I studied healing and gave healing but never received them. I would always say I didn’t need one. But in all honesty – I did. And, I do. Once I went through the school of wisdom and learned what it felt like and how much better I was for getting regular healings I see now that I was only hurting myself. I now see the value of self-care. I am now continually placing my healing above healing others and you know what? I am a better healer because of it. And, I now make sure those people I work with and receive healing from are also doing their own healing work – because we make ourselves better together. We up level together. We up grade together.