Forgiveness is for us not them

Forgiveness is huge and I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that when you’re forgiving someone it is for you not them. I heard that many times before I coukd embrace it. Forgiveness is hard – really It is a Divine Enlightenment-  true forgiveness is- because it is so difficult to do!  we hold on to our small grudges about what someone said to us 6 months ago or,  we remember when someone said something unkind to us and it set up half of the blocks that we have to work through as adults and it was just a small little thing that someone said so we have to forgive truly forgive so we can move forward but we also have to acknowledge we are part of the problem as well he thinks it quiet times we look at the other person as the enemy when often are just reflections of ourselves we need to figure out what part of our self is causing that reflection that we need to forgive within ourselves I read the book zero limits by Joe Vitale at a time when I was sick really it was losing hair due to stress the Heartbreak and I was trying to blame other people and figure out go to be angry at and I needed to acknowledge that a lot of it came down to forgiving the people food hurt me and seeing them as a mirror reflection myself and it took a long time I’m still working on it to tell you the honest truth I come from a long line of Grudge holders long line of disowning family members and cutting them out of wills and you know ancestral DNA of hurt and pain and and I’ve even seen it recreated in to my nuclear family with my mother and my sister because these are patterns that want to keep repeating until we’re able to heal them so when you forgive you’re forgiving not only for yourself but for the generations before you and the generations after you you truly truly forgive and you also have two Notch that when there’s something bad in the world because we all play a collective part in it there’s also a part of us that’s creating it on a spiritual Cosmic level so what the prayer helper on a Ono says is that if you were affected by something in your life or something pops into your life and it’s a reflection of something inside of you and instead of kind of pushing it off and naming it as an other category or someone else’s problem you kind of have to acknowledge it and pray for it and pray about it and you know the thoughts and prayers thing overdone because people aren’t really doing the thoughts and prayers people say thoughts and prayers how many of them actually sit down at night who pray to it chapter 12 forgiveness is huge well I’m sure you’ve heard expression that when you’re forgiving someone crazy you up Ben I’d heard that many times forgiveness is hard it’s really a Divine Enlightenment true for giving us because it is so difficult to do we hold on to our small grudges but what someone said to a 6 months ago or we remember when someone said something unkind to us and it set up half of blocks that we have to work through as adults and it was just a small little thing this someone said so we have to forgive truly forgive so we can move forward but we also have to acknowledge that we are part of the problem as well he thinks it a lot of times we look at the other person as the enemy when often there just Reflections of ourselves and we need to figure out what part of our self is causing that reflection that we need to forgive within ourselves I read the book 0 limits by Joe Vitaly at a time when I was sick really it was losing hair due to stress and heartbreak and I was trying to blame other people and figure out who to be angry at before and they needed to acknowledge that a lot of it came down to forgiving the people who hurt me and seeing them as a mirror reflection of myself and it took a long time and I’m still working not to tell the honest truth but I come from a long line have grudge holders a long line of Des owning family members and cutting them out of wheels and you know ancestry DNA of hurt and pain and and I’ve even seen it we created and to my nuclear family with my mother and my sister because these are patterns that want to keep repeating until we’re able to heal them so when you forgive your forgiving not only for yourself for the generations before you and the generations after you you truly truly forgive and you also have done knowledge that when there’s something bad in the world because we all play a collective Parton it there’s also a part of us that’s creating it on a spiritual Cosmic level so what the prayer hope no no says is that if you are affected by something in your life is something pops into your life and it’s a reflection I’m something inside of you and instead of kind of pushing it off and naming it as an other category or or passing it off as someone else’s problem you need to acknowledge that on some level there’s a microcosm inside of you that’s playing it out inside of you because of you and that’s why you’re seeing it in the world so you need to pray for it you need to acknowledge some part of you is creating it oh dear God I’m sorry for whatever part of me is creating fill in the blank please forgive me I forgive you thank you thank you thank you and thoughts and prayers are overused in this day and age because everyone says oh thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers but how many of those people are actually doing the thoughts and prayers well this hope aluno Hawaiian prayer is about actually doing the thoughts and prayers it’s about sitting down and if something comes into your your feet are your television screen or your world at work or wherever you need to acknowledge it as part of you it’s somehow creating it or allowing it to exist so you need to do the work you need to do the thoughts and prayers I love you I’m sorry please forgive me I forgive you thank you