Decluttering brings peace of mind

Let it Go! LET IT GO! LET IT GO!!!

The Objects You No Longer Use; The Clothes You Don’t Like Or Haven’t Used In A While And, Broken Things- including toys; Old cards and notes; Receipts/junk mail; pens, markets, pencils you dont use etc; Plants that are dead or sick, Old Art & Old Magazines, Old Jewlery_ Shoes you don’t like and Stuff of all kinds calling the past and filling up your drawers and closets …. CLEAN THEM OUT!!! Let go!! They are just cluttering up your space and your energy and your mind! When you do….

1. Health gets better.2. Creativity grows.3. Relationships get better.4. Less Bain fog .5. Improved mood.

QUESTIONS THAT MIGHT HELP WHEN CLEANING:- Why am I saving that?- Is this still me today?- How will I feel if I release that? Does it bring me joy to keep it or am I just saving it out of loyalty, fear, guilt, emotional?

Separate and classify what you have:

1. To donate.

2. To throw out.

3. To sell.

Thank each item as you let it go: Tell the universe that you are letting this go with gratitude & opening up to receive more blessings!

As you CLEAN/DE-CLUTTER watch what changes in you!As we clean our physical house, we also place order to our mind and heart.🧡Practice detachment with material things that just fill your space and you’ll see how you’ll slowly be able to do the same with career, health, finances,

and relationships!