We are our own wolf

We all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf and we all connect to life has Little Red Riding Hood… Don’t Stray off the path…. don’t pick the wildflowers… listen to what you’re told … but what if you’re not Little Red Riding Hood?  what if you’re the wolf ? what if you’re the bad guy what if you’re the cause of everything that’s right or wrong in your own life?  because the fact of the matter is my thoughts are the wolf inside of me… they  are the seeds I plant &  those are the thoughts that control our interior monologues. These conversations we have with ourselves… let be honest.   would you speak to anyone else the way that you speak to yourself?  and if you have ever gotten into a fight and spoken to another person with words that you use inside yourself and you spit those words out and in spite you know you’re being evil you’re doing it to hurt! Well dear- you’re doing same thing that those words do to you to someone else but  when you see the reaction of the other person’s face… scary isn’t it? So,  you apologize you feel sorry. But do you apologize to yourself? You think- I can’t believe I said that!  I can’t believe I did that !

I think you need to take a minute right now and acknowledge you do that to yourself all the time & everyday & what the words you say to yourself !!!!

so in the story of Little Red Riding Hood imagine that you are Little Red Riding Hood:  those things you say to yourself are  the wolf and you need to tame that wolf!  you need to be domesticated if you need to turn that evil mean naughty wolf into a lap dog you need to want to be able to cuddle with that wolf tap your hand and have it top on the bed with you scratch behind the ears let it know that it’s a part of you and it’s okay when I first started really studying Magic I learned a lot about the Shadow Self and we have we all have shadow-self a darker side to herself besides that we don’t want people to see aside that even frightens our own self the moon has many different faces the full moon is Bright Beautiful and everyone loves the full moon the same Moon also has a dark moon when you can’t see it you know it’s there but it’s invisible to the eye covered in darkness and like the new moon we have a Shadow Self the part of ourselves that we don’t want people to see that we don’t want people to acknowledge that we act and pretend isn’t there we know it is and we can either choose to ignore it and push it down and suppress it internal it turned into a big angry wolf we can go searching for the darkness find that wolf and give it some love and water food sit with it for a while learn to love the wolf and soon The Wolf of love you it’ll be a part of you and it will make you a better whole because just because the Moon has different phases doesn’t mean we stop loving the Moon we just acknowledge at the full moon will come back eventually preset Through The Long Dark Night of the new moon we know that just around the corner is the Home Alone Again