Is poverty a sin?

Money is the root of all evil-bible. vs. Money is energy. It flows where it is welcome. If there is a huge dam built up it can not flow. I want you to imagine that every choice is a tree that lines a beautiful stream that leads to a huge vast ocean of potential. Think of multiple streams all merging into your river. These are multiple streams – streams of income: ideas, potential, opportunities, job offers, choices. You can see the ocean. Water under the bridge. What is past is past. Those choices were yesterday. But the tree roots along the streams and river are all merging into the center creating a dam. A block. Their roots are in the past but they created your now. Now is now. Observe the dam. Your thoughts fear, doubt, worry brings beavers with logs from your trees. The dam gets bigger. The building more elaborate. Those beavers are working so hard. Cutting down trees from your past. Each fear. Adds a new. You are so skilled like the beavers you can navigate under and around the dam. There are hidden room and under water passage ways. Its beautifully built. Roomy and quite comfortable. Youve been building it so long. It feels normal. Good. Strong. Solid and Safe, even. Notice the river over yonder as it is meeting the ocean. Imagine how scary it is for the river to join the ocean… but it must go on. It is destiny. It is trust. Your old thoughts and choices created your present…but your present thoughts create your FUTURE! But you can’t go anywhere until the dam is removed. And, it is a beautiful dam. You and your beavers (ego) worked so hard to create it to keep you safe. But, you feel the ocean calling. It’s time.You can start with one log at a time. Just wedding away. Pulling. Shedding. Dismantling. OrBeavers tend to have an anchor log. One where if you take it out, it all goes. What is your core fear?I’ll tell you.It’s the same for all of us.It’s the fear of our own light. Our own power. Our own worthiness. We’re so used to playing small we have become master architects at creating small safe lives in a comfort zone thst feels good enough.But what if that’s not

good enough any more?

What if abundance was good. What if poverty was a sin? In America at least where there is no war and we all have (mostly) equal possibilities and if we believe we are creating our reality then it is our mission as healers and artists to be abundant so we can anchor in light and healing in all ways always in all we do. This will free us to pursue our spiritual path wirh ease and grace and help.others along the way!