Law of attraction does not always cut it….

 I learned of the law of attraction early on and I bought into it Hook Line & Sinker because it’s easy and wonderfully magical to think that have I just changed my thoughts if I just really want something and if I just do a visualization and a vision board then it will all come to me I can create everything in my life and I love that idea it made me feel really powerful but I spent a lot of my life forcing what I wanted to happen happen I never a dull adjudged that rejection what’s really God’s protection I thought it was that I just didn’t visualize it properly or didn’t say enough affirmations or I wasn’t working hard enough so I would double down and work harder and dig deeper and make more vision boards but the fact of the matter is law of attraction it’s not so much about forcing things to happen about allowing things to happen by using thoughts and feelings and drawing things into your life and that’s the part I really didn’t quite understand I would want something and even if it wasn’t necessarily the best thing for myself I would give myself Q’s of will if this happens and it’s meant to be and I would work really hard to visualize it make it happen and because I am a Divine Creator I created a lot of these small Wynne for myself but I was always trying to fit square into whole bag and I started to use the Mantra better than I can imagine when really stings started flowing for me because the fact of the matter is law of attraction is about allowing things in your life not forcing them and so when I started to use the mantra this or something better this or better than I can imagine he was kind of like me handing the creative Force back over to someone so I was able to visualize and manifest the Small Things the bill here paid in full thank you the car I needed to get to work so I didn’t have to borrow my mother-in-law’s here paid in full thank you the mortgage to my house because I was afraid I was going to lose my house because of my mother-in-law’s health despite all the odds I signed the mortgage and the house was hours it wasn’t because I made vision boards about the loan which trust me I had before it happened because I let go of the how it was going to happen I let go of the wind it was going to happen and I just trusted that it would happen Alison J K when I started listening to her and her spiritual healings said something that kind of changed my life and snapped me into Focus and it was that we are all chess pieces for the divine and we are cool creating this life based on everyone’s highest good not just our own so the dream that I had wasn’t for the highest vision the world and I have to open myself up to something better than I can imagine and now that’s exactly what I’m living …