(Root) chakra bath salts & shower scrub

I now make Reiki infused chakra bath salts/shower scrub.now for sale  (Root is Infused with Patchouli, Peppermint & Sandalwood essential oils)

When you take your shower or bath imagine your a tree in the ground rooted in the earth. (If it is a shower just plug the tub so the water collects) See your roots go down, down, down to the center of the earth – nourishing you and holding you. See the water as a blessing and let the water wash over you, cleansing, purifying you and filling you in the energy of grounding, centering, safety and protection. See all that no longer suits you, like leaves in the fall, releasing and letting go. As you leave the bath or shower see all the water around you and imagine all that you have released, say thank you for the lessons you have learned and how far you have come, then with gratitude lift the plug and allow the water to go down the drain. As it leaves the tub, see the energy fully leaving you and going down into mother earth where it will be transmuted for the highest good of all. And, so it is.

use these affirmations or create your own…

ROOT CHAKRA Says: “I am rooted. I am grounded. Mother Earth supports me. All my earthly needs are met. I am safe. I am stable and secure. I am at home wherever I am. I am protected”

*Thank you for ordering my chakra reiki infused bath salts. I maje them to order for each chakra!  Each bath is $8 each or 7 for $42.00. If you would like to purchase more please email me at pjny03@gmail.com or private message me on my business page – facebook.com/luvnl888*