Creating a simple morning ritual ☕️♥️🌞

Tidy your space, smudge and light a candle (electric is fine), smudge, and prepare your heart with setting an intention.

I usually have a cup of tea or ceremonial Cacao but if coffee is your thing that is okay too- as long as your intention is to shift your vibration- take deep inhales and vonnect to your breathing, savoring the smell, feelings, sensation and taste.

Connect with your breath and your prepared cup of tea / cacao/coffee. Tune into your heart space and feel what is alive for you at this time in your life and what you hope for the future.

As you set your intentions, ask the spirit of coffee/ cacao/ tea- herbal -plants to support you as you envision. Mindfully drink your beverage and feel into the sensations present as your body and spirit meet.

Once you’ve finished drinking, sit in meditation. Visualize the events, experiences, and ideas you have for yourself. Consider not only the circumstances, but how you would like to feel. Invite plant medicine to inspire your meditation with new perspectives. Listen and be open to receive new insights.

After you’ve completed your meditation, grab a journal and pen. Record any observations from your meditation and reflect on the following journal prompts:

What kind of experiences do I want to create for myself?
How do I want to feel?
How do I define an enjoyable season on my own terms, not what society expects of me?
What actionable steps will I be taking in the next few weeks and months to make these dreams a reality?
After you’ve completed your ritual & reflection, blow out your candle, and express gratitude to all that is supporting you in your journey.