totem of the 🐝 bees

🍯🐝💛FOR THE LOVE OF BEES💛🐝🍯I started Chaneling the totem of the bees in 2017. They came to me when I was really sad and feeling lost. I had lost my community and felt abandoned. I was stung 5 times in a few months. Each time the reaction was worse…

After a while it hit me- this wasn’t by coincidence. There was a message I was missing. They came to me as artists. Showing me the beauty of their natural hives. How humans are taking them out of nature and forcing them to woek and live in our wooden hives. Much like we live in cookie cutter homes and have lost community. We need each other. They showed me the community and brotherhood/susterhood of their hive. They spoke of the beauty of work and joy and friendship and family and community. Hpw I needec to seek others like me. I did not write down their message but it has remained in my heart. I have never been stung since. I do look to them as messengers. When I see a bee I know it is telling me to fly my impossible wings and seek joy and communy. Symbolism of the Bees meaning – prosperity, wisdom, fertility – rooted in impressive natural talents like pollination, honey-making, and hive teamwork. Their spirituality stems from communication, rejuvenation, and the mysteries of nature.Key Takeaways Bees typically symbolize focus, hard work, teamwork, generosity, fertility, and prosperity.They represent the power and mystery of nature in mythology and folklore.Different cultures have unique bee symbolism based on region and history. In many traditions around the world, the bee is also a sacred and divine symbol. It is said to be God’s messenger. In the Mayan civilization of America, the gods took on their appearance. In Greek mythology, honey from this insect is used to feed Zeus. Despite their small size, they are fascinating animals with great significance. The bee was also a symbol of royalty in France! The bee may appear in your life as a spirit animal when you show that you’re carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders. It may mean that you have a hard job ahead of you. The bee then brings you its confidence, its taste and its love of a job well done. It supports you in accomplishing the most difficult and thankless tasks. & While

, I really love my honey, but even more I love my bees!!Here’s some buzz about bees!💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛Did you know that one of the world’s first coins had a bee symbol?I have local honey in my tea. Did you know that honey contains live enzymes?Did you know that in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die? The best way to eat honey is with a wooden spoon; if you can’t find one, use a plastic spoon.Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps the brain work better?Did you know that honey is one of the few foods on earth that alone can sustain human life?Did you know that bees saved people from starvation in Africa?That a spoonful of honey is enough to keep a man alive for 24 hours?Did you know that propolis produced by bees is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics?Did you know that honey has no expiry date?Did you know that the bodies of the world’s greatest emperors were buried in gold coffins, then covered in honey to prevent putrefaction?Did you know that the term “Honeymoon” (honeymoon) comes from the fact that the bride and groom consumed honey for fertility after their marriage?Bees are the gift that helps our planet be lush and beautiful. To feed people and give us flowers and medicine. Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is the work of a lifetime.If you reached the bottom,We saved the best for last!But you know what’s the bees knees! 🥰Bees need us! They need our help!So consider not only going local and buying organic but also how about growing more flowers & produce so that way we help give back to the bees!That’s some sweet nectar!

DID YOU KNOW?🐝There are live enzymes in honey.🐝When in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die.🐝The best way to eat honey is with wooden or plastic spoon.🐝Honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better.🐝Honey is one of the rare foods on earth that alone can sustain human life.🐝One teaspoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours.🐝Propolis that bees produce, is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics🐝Honey has no expiration date.🐝The bodies of the great emperors of the world were buried in golden coffins and then covered with honey to prevent putrefaction.🐝The term “honeymoon” comes from the fact that newlyweds consumed honey for fertility after the wedding.🐝A bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.🐝One of the first coins had a bee symbol on it.Deep gratitude to the humble BEE!🐝