The story of self – stone soup of the soul

Remember that story of stone soup? A vagabond travels into town, tired and hungry but no one will invite him/her to share a meal. So the vagabond goes to the center of town and announces that they will make an award winning magical soup with only one large stone. The naturally curious town gathers around to watch. The vagabond begins by saying “Now, all I need is fire to cook the soup”. One person in the crowd pipes up “If you can prove that you can make soup from a rock then I will lend you the wood for a fire and the match to strike it”. Then the vagabond says “Now all I need is a pot to boil it in”. Another person brings over a large pot. The vagabond drops the stone in the water and stirs with intent. The crowd is hushed with intrigue. Next the vagabond says “If only I had some salt and pepper to add then this soup would truly be magical” Naturally someone offers salt and pepper. And why not? Such a small request for magical soup. The water begins to boil and it smells good. The vagabond stirs and stirs and concentrates so much their brow furrows. “Ahhh” it is working…I can see it now. If only I had a bone to flavor the broth then this soup would be award winning”. Naturally someone runs to their home and comes back with a large bone. Surely, why not? It is just a bone-barely any meat on it! It is my trash. It is worth it to see a soup made from a stone! And on and on. The ingredients are added one by one as the town learns how to share by combining their ingredients. The result is an award winning magical stone soup. Life is like a stone soup. We are the vagabonds cold and hungry traveling this world looking for sustenance. We come into this world empty handed. It is the gifts of others and wisdom gained that add to our cauldron of self. A well placed compliment. An invitation to lunch. A movie that inspires you. A church service. An A-HA! Moment, A song that you play on repeat. A quote that motivates you. A youtube video that brings you to tears. A breath that is taken away, in a good way. A recipe that feels like home, A smell that reminds you of childhood, That chandelier moment. The way someone holds a door for you. A stranger who makes your day. A book you read over and over. A smile. A laugh. A moment of bliss. A first kiss. There all these wonderful moments yet when times are difficult we tend to focus on the rock we have instead of all the ways people have added to our life. At times of high emotion I would stop and say to myself. Well. Dear, you can’t change it. But, Can you accept it? Can you welcome it? And, while I was frustrated and maybe even angry, often there was little I could do. All I could do was let it go. And when I could allow “it to be what is” I was able to move beyond it or at least get through it. The Sedona Method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself that lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you into the experience of letting go. I first learned the method taking an “Acting Success Now” Seminar in NYC. I hated it. I thought I had never heard a bigger load of crap in my life. They said – whatever you think or feel: Accept it. Welcome It. Release it. And while I never got into the method itself I began to not hate it. I Accepted that I did not like the Sedona Method. I welcomed the fact that I do not like the Sedona Method and I released it. But you know what? It has a hint of truth. All these big gurus and healing plans have success because they work for some people. The would not be successful if they did not work. But they might not work that way for you. Or if they do, maybe not in the way the author intended. You do not need to follow their recipe (or mine). Just add the wisdom you acquire to your caldron of self and stir until it tastes just right for you. You do not need fancy methods and books and classes to do this. Focus on what you put in the caldron of self. Let that motivate you. Collect the ingredients that are perfect for you. And if your caldron is one filled with negative moments, fear and doubt. Dump it out. Start a new batch. If there is one thing I learned about cooking is that no two meals are ever the same. You want a caldron of self that is sustaining for this lifetime. Make it a good soup. A magical one. An award winning one.

All we have is our breath. Every breath is a blessing. One breath at a time and we keep on breathing. Eventually I began to appreciate the release of letting go to my need to control everything, every whim, every feeling. I was a planner. I liked plans and goals and I visualized how it would work. I micro managed the universe. I was not open to the flow and ease of blessings. I actually got more out of the Disney movie FROZEN then I did from a whole series of self-help books.. “Let it GO”is a brilliant attitude to have. “Letting it Go” is about being in the moment and trusting that it will be ok. About knowing you can not hold back what is yours and love is always the path you want to follow, not fear or anger. You can’t control the universe. You just have to accept it, welcome it and release it. It is about taking your thoughts- and reprogramming them for joy, success, health and wealth. Sometimes negative thoughts can be habits too. It is time to break those habits. To stop those crazy mean thoughts that you tell yourself, things you would never say to anyone else. Negative, self doubting, mean and awful things. I know you do it, because we all do. We have to own up to it. And apologize! I make my children apologise when they say unkind things. I even make them apologize to themselves if they say something unkind about themselves! Now, I need you to do it. Write an apology letter to yourself about all the unkind things you say in the darkness of the night. Any unkind thing you have ever said mean to yourself. Apologize. Then the hardest part, Look in the mirror and look at your own eyes and say out loud. I am sorry for______. Then say: I forgive you. Love that person in the mirror. If you can’t do them all at once. Do one a day. You are in an intense relationship with yourself and you need to heal. It starts with forgiveness. Take that apology list and write I forgive you next to each one. Then burn that shit. You do not need it around anymore. You’ve carried it around long enough. Do it safely though, ok? And if you catch yourself saying something unkind to yourself, Apologize right away. Then say “I forgive you” immediately. Then let it go. Time to move on.

Now, Focus on the good stuff. Whatever you think is what you attract. If you are in chaos thinking thoughts about what to do, regret, etc. You will attract chaos and mixed signals from the universe. Stop. Breath. Know that no matter what you are safe. You are safe. I repeat that because you’d be surprised at what a powerful mantra that is. You are safe. You are worthy.

You are loved. There is so much love that surrounds you. Even if its not yours- look for people laughing, hugging, kissing, loving. Have Joy for them. Accept it. Welcome it. Let it Go. Even if you feel like there is no one in the world who loves you now know that there are higher beings that love you. Surround you – Right now they are with you. Sending you love. Accept it. Welcome it. Release it (Even if you think its bull shit- just imagine it). Name the People who love you…or loved you in the past. You are capable of love And, magic and wonder. I love you. Take a second and breath that in. This world is better with you in it. We are all safe and happy because you are a good person. You have made all the right choices! You are safe. You have a home. You have love. You have food and clean water. You have clothes. You have friends. You have a community. You have a beautiful planet to live on! And if you don’t have those things: You will. They are already yours. Believe it. Now Breath more. Breath Deep. Breath In and Breathe Out. 3 more times….Breathe In and Breathe Out. Breathe In, Breathe Out. Breathe In, Breathe Out. TRUST you are in the right place at the right time// TRUST you are attracting so much light your way because YOU ARE WORTHY. Things are getting better you just can’t see it, YET. It will get better. It is getting better. It is better. Trust that it will happen, when the timing is 100% correct. In its own way. Its own time. Don’t make it happen. Just trust that it will. Accept it. Welcome. Release it. Breath that dream out. Let it go. Be where you are NOW>

NOW you are in IT. One call at a time. One breath at a time surrounded by love. We love you. There are people you haven’t met yet that are waiting for you! TRUST your higher self for making the right call and connecting the dots. TRUST DIVINE has a plan. TRUST it is better than you can Imagine.

Then let that go. Just breath. Tell your thoughts to stop. Focus on the breath. Focus on sending love to that person near you. Co-worker. Family member. Person in the street. Stranger at the park. Car Driving by. Smile. Send them love. We are all connected. You are going to make their life easier. They are going to make your life better. Ease and Flow/ Give and Take/ To and fro. It is how the universe (GOD) operates. Double the gratitude for your life, your home, your happy healthy family… Now, Say THANK YOU for what you do have. Even if it is small. A paper clip. Be SO thankful for that paper clip. Make a list of all the small stuff. They add up. Say Thank you three times for the small stuff! Write it down. Thank you for______. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Push yourself to have more to add to that list every day. Start with one thing. Add to it. Change your thoughts. Instead of being jealous, angry, annoyed. Catch yourself. Breath through it. Accept it. Welcome it. Release it. Can you have gratitude for any of this? Say thank you for that small piece of gratitude/ If you can’t just say thank you three times for your breath. Thank you for this breath. In and Out. Do that every day. Wake up and do it. Every day. If you do that. I promise it will fall into place. It is your choice.

More of the same? Chaos? Fear and Doubt? Or Love ? Light? Gratitude? What do you want to attract from the universe? Every thought is a seed planted for Divine to sow. Water what is beautiful.

Let’s make our own Garden of Eden here on earth for each other, with each other, and our children right now. We can! It is all about our thoughts, our energy and what we believe. I believe in you.

The children of this planet all believe in you. That is why they are here.TO help US.Believe in yourself. I believe in you.

Now imagine what you really want. And don’t be too specific. Not like I want a million dollars in three months, that is cool but that is like a shot in the dark and hard to manifest. More like a feeling. Emotions are the language of the universe. Think about how you want to feel. Happy? Successful? Healthy? Laughter? Love? Passion? Adventure? Feel that feeling. Go outside find rock. Buy a rock if you rather. Rocks are so cool. I could talk forever about rocks and crystal healing and intention but that is another book. Right now let’s just focus on stone soup Make this your manifestation rock. Tell the rock what you want. Feel the feeling you want to feel when you get this thing. Place the rock somewhere you will see if every day. Carry it with you if you want. Trust that every person you come in contact with is adding to your stone soup of success. Feel it. Be thankful for it.