Find you inner green witch

Ever wonder how to channel your inner kitchen witch!?   First of all – cooking is healing! Food is medicine. Tea and Plants and herbs…. are prescription. Go to a store that sells loose herbs… like a co – op. Meditate in car asking guides for assistance on your intention (health, abundance, love). Go in to store. Pick the teas that feel right. If you need a starter- I always start with a base of nettle tea as my go to…. or you can use green tea!   I choose 7 or 11 or 12 teas as those are my numbers…. buy them. Go home Google each one for meaning- you will be amazed how much they resonate with you! Add herbs to pot with water. Call in guides asking for their support! Set your intention! Think of the meaning of each plant as you place in water. Ask for its help in your intention….. Thank the plant!!! Feel the gratitude…. add to the blend until you feel complete. (Some days maybe different then others more of this less of that or none of this one!! ) play music, dance around, feel good & while you do let the herbs steep in hot water on low after boil for 22 min ( that’s my number use your own) . Drain the herbs  Drink & feel bliss! ps: I often re use the herbs again just add a bit more for cup 2 & sometimes let the herbs steep over night then drain and re heat in morning! In the summer I drink it cold with ice #Luvnl888 #greenwitch #healingtea