AUGUST Full moon is SUPER!!!

We have a rare super blue moon on the19th of this month. This celestial event only happens once every 10-20 years! A supermoon looks large and bright because it’s closer to Earth, while a blue moon refers to the second full moon in a month. Combining both in one event is very rare, and I googled it to find out the next one is not happening until 2037.According to astrologists, supermoons are are linked to heightened emotions and intensified energy. A supermoon amplifies the effects of a full moon, making it a powerful time for transformation and growth. Tonights Super Full Moon is in Aquarius. Energy is pulling from March of 2020. What energy from that time is coming back to your life as a mirror. Do you like the reflection? Use tonight to reshape your vision! My plan is to go outside and Take a moon bath. & even if u can’t see the moon- go outside! You really should see it – it’s a SUPER moon which means it’s extra close to earth). But just go outside and receive the light, the wisdom, the balance it is offering. What does a full moon bath mean? Just Go outside and soak it in! Maybe Ill look up & tell the moon what I want!!! If you hear howling…. it might be me!! I will sit with my favorite crystals and allow them to soak up and charge in the full moon light too! What are your full moon plans?? And this Friday if u want to join me Salitter studio I will be leading a guided meditation based on insights I get from this moon! 🙏

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