Affirm….”my purpose right now is to remember I am safe…I choose my purpose and align with it- whatever might be for greatest goodpurpose calls to you in the moment …Your purpose to breathe deeply… focus and direct energy to that now purposefocus on you right now …choose to focus on purpose and slice away that which no longer serves …let go…deceide one thing in the now moment as your purpose… it is powerful … and….ever changing things you desire are always changing … yourbody is changing… evolving…. purpose can change moment to moment… remember to breathe in the present… breathing in love.. be love… get very clear on what is true for you…and your beliefs always faithalways peacealways safeyou choose…. choose to remind yourself frequently …raise your vibration and visualize greater good and extend that light…radiance is far reachingsit in space and remind your self of that truth…fill and flood all ppl.on earth and beings of great love.. be of service to all=you are safe!! Feelings of Safety extends and becomes your dominant energy…. our energy is influence energy…. trust energy divine within…. so be the powerful light to receive more love as a seed for joy to growtrust itsend love to all the galaxy connect with soul heart and what is true for youremind self that you are a creator being…believe the story you create is what you want to create…. you are influencer and not the influenced… fill your cup up with your own beliefs …feel how good it is to be in your energy … and your dominant energy is light…remind you self of your truth… light within is real and powerful and influential ….you contribute to create energy that is wanting to influence- light bringer remind others of who they are…remember who you arechoose to be choose to holdu have toolsif need help askyou are supportednow is a vast moment all that isbreathe in peace purpose move Into heart …move into time god space…askwhat’s nextI’m ready for joyfor service what’s nextlarge or small do itrealize when in purpose and you ask for guidance you are living on purpose!!! that is all there is!!!!more in ra h now moment to be in space of peace and what is next and open to it more and more you are living in yoir purpose it is journey not destination find self in moment oknowwhat nextfind self guided by Internal… you can help more ppl when you are aligned and radiates energy don’t have to be doing anything purposeful to be influence others….live in space of peace and set Intent to trust based on inner guidance you are of purpose “