Healing Circle

Tonight’s Archangel Healing Circle session is now complete. Please drink lots of water and take it easy for the next few hours as the energy continues to integrate. I will send you an email tomorrow with details regarding messages and visions I received during the session.

So much love to you!


Thank you so much for participating in yesterday’s session! For those of you who haven’t worked with me before, during my healing sessions I allow the Archangels to work with your energy by physically moving my body. Since this is the way that they work with me, I have little conscious knowledge of the specifics of what is being done so I observe my body’s movements and feelings and then share them with my clients. This is one of my favorite parts of the session because there are usually lovely synchronicities that come up.


When I use the word “negative” I don’t mean to imply “bad” or “wrong”. I simply mean that whatever I’m referring to is operating in opposition to your divine nature.

The divine guides I work with use my body as a stand-in for the participants’ bodies so, for example, if I say that an entity left “my” mouth, it means that it left one of the mouths of the participants.

The takeaways that I list below are simply my intuitive interpretations based on the movements that the Archangels make with my body – it is the way that they communicate with me. I try to list some of the movements in detail so that you might find your own interpretation of them in case my interpretations do not resonate with you.

Whenever I receive a message during a session, know that this is being integrated or activated within you. You do not have to try to integrate it consciously, but I believe that the message is coming to my awareness because sharing it with you will be of benefit to you in some way.

Also, whenever I say that “I opened up your third chakra,” please know that it was actually the Archangels, Ascended Masters and/or other divine guides working on you that actually opened up your chakra. I am just in the habit of writing my observations from my point of view.

Finally, please note that the movements that the divine guides choose to bring to my awareness may not apply to each one of you individually (each movement will apply to at least one of you, though), but the healing that you receive is unique and specific to you, individually. In other words, the healing that you receive is more important than any observations that I might list – I just like to share them with you in case they can serve you!


Before the session began, there was a moment that felt like an entity was leaving my throat chakra/mouth area.

I would first like to say that the number of movements in this session is extremely small – in fact there was only one! Some of my sessions have involved my body being guided through several movements but it didn’t surprise me that this one needed so few.

The session began with one of my hands doing a flicking movement that implies that negative energy is being cleared, while tracing large circles in a counter-clockwise direction. This lasted for about 10 seconds and then my hand made the same flicking movement in a clockwise session, while my feet did a gentle march-in-place for the remainder of the session.

The fact that this session only had one main movement doesn’t surprise me because having an inner compass, and even the ability to listen to it, along with the natural inclination to honor that guidance is something that we all have inside each one of us. However, this natural ability has been hidden, pushed aside, shoved down and d-prioritized because of the dominance of the wounded-patriarchy energy that has been prevalent on the Earth plane for so long.

I believe that the movement in the first few seconds of the session, when my hand was moving counter-clockwise, was somehow a preparation for the final movement in the session. I also just received the image of a pitcher on a baseball mound, winding up before he throws the ball toward home base in order to get more power. It feels to me that the energy being cleared during this portion of the session and the remainder of the session were differing levels of the same energy – energy that consisted of programs, subprograms and replicator programs dedicated to blocking your clear reception of your inner guidance as well as blocking the trust in that guidance that is necessary in order to honor it. The march-in-place step was meant to ground you while you were having such a deep clearing process that ultimately revealed an ability that needed no enhancement at all – it just needed to be unearthed to be at its full potential.

Because so much time was dedicated to this movement, you may have felt it during the session. I would definitely suggest that you drink lots of water, and frequently place one hand on your stomach, the other on your heart and breathe into them. See a radiant light emanating from your heart that has its source as the Great Central Sun. Each time you inhale, you infuse more and more of this divine energy into your body and you align more with your inner compass which allows you to be re-introduced to its energy and helps you to get comfortable with it. The more you do this, the more you see and feel it as a true friend and the more that you will be able to move forward with the guidance that you receive from it in a way that is in alignment with that aspect of yourself that is already a full expression of your divinity.

The session ended in prayer pose.

So that was what I felt during your session! If you noticed any synchronicities or would like to share your experiences with me I would be happy to hear them.



Respond to every call that excites your spirit! -Rumi