What is Crystalline Soma Healing Method?

I am a graduate of The Wisdom Mastery Academy with Shakti Botazzi and level 2 crystalline soma healing method.

The term comes from “soma”, an ancient Greek word for the “body” in its wholeness; not just skin and bone, but the body in its aliveness.

I am in line with indigenous belief, Wisdom traditions of the East, and Somatic psychologists that believe our psychology, neurology, and our biology are intertwined.

The reality is that most coaching and even some energy work modalities focus on the thinking mind, ignoring what the body is trying to communicate.

I provide healing on an energetic level.I connect you to your divine power and help your energy align to source. Crystalline Soma Healing Method uses ALL my years of training and healing methods, and it channels direct from source. It clears 49 different chakras and lets the body lead the way! It connects you to source and the crystalline grid of 5d.

As  an energetic healer each session will be channeled and different depending on what our guides bring through – I will be working with your subtle and energetic bodies- much like focused and channeled prayer.

With Crystalline Soma Healing Method we connect in with the powerful frequencies of the crystalline grid, where I become a conduct for your own healing to take place. I am intuitively guided by the help of my divine guidance team. Each healing not only works on your physical body, but your subtle bodies too as we make our way through 49 chakras located in the front and back of your aura body, opening up and balancing them by bringing them into harmony.

This healing is extremely powerful as it not only helps dispell low vibrational energies from traumas and dis-ease that may be stagnant in your aura field , it also allows you to recognise and connect into your own healing potential.

Spirit guides and ancestors are helpful, but the best guidance comes from your own higher self.

CSHM energy healing raises your vibration and locks it in so you can connect directly with your higher self, which is a version of you vibrating at a higher frequency.

This aspect of you is closest to Source energy, and thus, carries the highest level of wisdom and aligns you with your most benevolent timeline.

During a CSHM session, you will receive the healing deemed most necessary and appropriate by your own higher self, whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual.

After the session, your vibration will settle at a higher frequency, which can result in a higher awareness, increased intuition, clarity on life’s purpose, insights, epiphanies, creative inspiration, self-acceptance, and other benefits.

If you’d like to learn more, check out my website and book a session.


































What is your intention for healing?

Do I have permission to work with your subtle energetic bodies and physical body?

*Please note: I am not a medical Dr. – Please contact your physician for medical needs/illness. Energy work is not a replacement for western medicine. It can however have an added benefit and help you heal and manifest perfect health faster and with more ease and grace.