Using Your Heart As A Compass – a series of interviews with host Paige Lussier Johnson


About Course

This is a symposium or collection of healers who are using their heart as a compass and being spiritual leaders in our awakening community – supporting and encouraging each other as we help shift the collective. Building upon my #heartasacompass radio interview series that I have been doing for over 14 years and hope to add on to in the future! 

I look forward to being on this unfolding journey with you! If you are here you are also a spiritual leader and your journey is unfolding. We are here to support each other on the path. You are not alone. There is a whole magical world of like minded souls anchoring in the light all over the planet. We will have also have a public facebook page for all of us to post and share our experiences, support each other, ask questions and get feedback on these classes and workshops from each other!

Cost: FREE
🙏This is our gift to you; we are all in this awakening together and working together to support each other as we rise our vibration and help support the collective reach a higher frequency. This is a coming together space for all of us as we raise our vibration and do the work so we can help humanity. If you would like to be on this interview series, or something like it – please reach out to me at – please include your bio, a photo and why you feel called to be a part of this collective.
If you would like to donate to this series to help expand it and reach out to others – I would be over the moon in appreciation. However, it is not all required.
I know money for lightworkers has many levels of shadow work. It is time for us to raise our vibration and our abundance by lifting each other up as we help shift the collective!
Money is an energetic vibration. God’s source is unlimited. There is no fee for this course: Participation is energetic. $$ by donation 💖 pay what you feel called, when you feel called: As your vibration raises, so too will your abundance which you can share! Thank you for offering to be a part of this group.  If you already feel abundant and do feel called to donate ✨️ please do!
My aim is that this course helps you in your spiritual journey AND I hope to be here for YOU as a spiritual teacher and fellow light weaver! Book a healing session with me- You are worth it! We all need each other to do this work!
Many blessings for who you BE and who you are BECOMING!
Namaste! Aho! Amen! God Bless! Love & Light! #luvnl888
To work with Paige Lussier Johnson 
go to:
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What Will You Learn?

  • How to Use Your Heart As A Compass

Course Content