Using Your Heart As A Compass – a series of interviews with host Paige Lussier Johnson
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#luvnl888 #heartasacompass #peace #grief #findingpeace #findingpeaceaftergreif #paigelussierjohnson This interview is part of The Heart As A Compass Interview Series with healers, artists, entrepreneurs, way showers and change makers who use their HEART as a COMPASS in living their best life now- sharing their wisdom on topics and life so you can live your best life too. Debbie E Perez is a crystalline soma healer and way shower… PAIGE LUSSIER JOHNSON.COM or HEARTASACOMPASS.COM Paige Lussier Johnson is a Reiki Master, Light Language Activator, Channel of beings of light, Arch Angels, & Ethereal Realms; and Earth Keeper who works closely with Gaia and the Crystalline Grid and a Quantum Life Coach/Spiritual Teacher. Paige has been doing readings and angelic, spirit healing since she was very young – adding tips, tools and healing modalities to her spiritual tool kit for 20+years. Her tool kid includes: Reiki, Pleiadian Sigils, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Access Consciousness, Vibrational Upgrade Medicine, Munkay Fire and Water Rites, Shamanic travel, Akashik Records, Sacred womb activations and Crystalline Soma Healing Method – Level 2. As a healer and artist Paige looks at healing in different ways than most. Healing is an art…it is JOY. Since 2016 she has been coaching and helping others on their divine path and accessing their divine art, as well as planting seeds for social, emotional, and wellness through art and creativity as a teaching artist with her cosmic improv workshops and chakra embodiment classes. Her mission is to help others use their “heart as a compass” and walk their divine path. Paige truly believes that through play, art and acts of joy we can most easily and readily heal ourselves and others. We are our own gurus. Follow your heart and awaken to your own light. Energy | Luvnl888