Self care class coming up!

Heyyy! Are you ready to take some time for you?  Then you gotta get to my FREE class live via zoom and facebook #luvnl888  The 24th at 12 noon est

We will “Release what no longer serves ” because, it was a tough year & we need to remove the energy to make space for our incredible New Year and usher in GRATITUDE! You deserve it💕

Lemme know if you are ready to book your spot in class!

***Definitely share this with anyone you feel would benefit then you get a discount!

🎁AND!! Are you ready to make a  healing commitment to yourself? Then grab a $222 super special class package to seal the deal for your whole year! Join me (live or in replay) on first Saturday of every month now through Jan 2024 8:30am-9:30am est!!! AND you get a 20 minute Card Reading! 🎁

Ask me any questions!

LETS TALK ABOUT SELF CARE!!! Lots of love to you! Join me in a 21 day quantum retreat Feb 1-21 for tips and tricks for self care AND healing!! Xoxo Calling every human!!! Moms/ Dad, Grandparents, Teachers, Nurses, Medical Field Workers, Healers & Caretakers, Don’t Miss Out on a chance to take care of yourself…21 days of tips and tricks on how to love yourself more & raise your vibration and heal!

Only $44 💗💗💗for the whole month!!! 😄

All virtual, you do not have to make any meetings or times (we are busy!!!) energy is sent in quantum field / distant Reiki!💗💗💗💗

Email me @ or to register.


💗whats-app group chat

💗grounding & Selfcare tips&tricks video

💗my mp3 chakra affirmations and blessings audio series for healing


Live Group call with healing transmissions from source on self- care + Q&A

And my special gift…if you register before Jan 16th=

1 30 mim tarot/ oracle reading