
Many blessings on the 4th of July where in America we celebrate our freedom. I’ve been thinking a lot on freedom this morning. To attain spiritual freedom means to go beyond the fear, doubt, stress, trauma and unworthiness we hold in the shadows of our quiet mind. Freedom is breaking those old thought patterns and replacing them with faith, grace, ease, trust, love and worthiness. I marvel at this nation and the freedoms wectake for granted here. How blessed we are! I have friends in south africa who barely have access to electricity and internet. I have friends with family in war torn areas who dont get firecworks but bombs lighting up the night sky. Our world is torn right now and here in America we live in a bubble. I am honored and humbled to live in this bubble of safety. Thank God I am safe, my family safe. Thank God to our forefathers and mothers who risked everything to build a new world. But tribalsim and otherness is taking over in our country once more. The separateness of OTHER has taken over our worldview. And, I think the spiritual community is somewhat to blame and so am I. ” Calling in my tribe” is something I have said before and heard many others say as well. Because yes we want to surround ourselves with like minded souls who will fill and nurture and support us. But this idea also creates a separation. I asked my guides about this. They explained that in past lives some of us were in tribes where it was safe and good- home & community. But others of us have led past lives (and may be repeating the pattern in this life) where we were disowned, cast out, estranged and thus left to die. Sometimes it was worse then death to be cast off. What is life worth without home family and community? This kain lives inside some of us which keeos us quiet. Not wanting to step outside the perceived notion of norm or upset the tribe…. to speak our truth. So we stay quiet and complacent and comfortable. This tribalsim we have created in US is us or them. In or out. Red or blue. Black or white. This will be our downfall and our forefathers knew that. Why have we lost our ‘ one nation sentiment’ ? We are divided. For me- itbis taking the higher power out . ‘Under God’ is a crucial key. It means – In light. Now GOD can mean different things to different people but it means we fall stretching towards the light together. I feel we have lost that. The Hopi prophesy foretells this. This is now. We must choose freedom and rise above tribalsim. What woukd it look like if we voted for and honored those who served the light? What would it look like if we focused on words and actions? HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE IF OUR POLITICIANS WERE HONORABLE HONEST AND KNOBLE? I have always loved history and married a man who reads historical non-fiction and presidential autobiographies for fun. When my first child was born I remember he read Jeffersons Bible to our newborn. I sat and listened along with the sleeping baby. Jefferson deleted all mention of miracles, of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) prophecies held by Christian tradition to foretell Jesus’ role as the messiah, and of the Virgin Birth. It strictly reads the words of Jesus. One thing about my husband and I, is I love the miracles. I have no doubt in them but he always seeks to understand them. And I think that’s beautiful- a seeking to understand. Jefferson took the myth away from the ascended master Jesus and focused on words: A discernment. More and more discernment will be needed. As we move forward in this nation I ask you- challenge you to choose love! What if we voted not from fear – lesser of two evils vs who is in the light? We do have 3 options here in US … remember there are 3 sides of the coin. A coin on its side stays flat but when placed on its side can travel. We must choose love. Our nation depends on it.I voted for Marianne Willianson in the primary and I will be voting for RFK in the main election. Because I want to step outside of tribalsim and focus on the light. I want to create a new earth. Vote how you feel called but no matter what – vote. It’s your voice in this conversation on the direction of where our nation will go…. and not all of us had the right to vote in past Generations. It is a gift. I see many ppl on the spiritual side sitting in apathy saying who cares. I’m not voting. Giving up. Don’t give up. Choose light. Use your voice! We are envisioning our future and shaping it now with out thought deeds words actions… so let’s build a new way. Focus on the light.

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