Light language healing

I will be offering Distant Light Language Healing on MONTH DATE TIME This is a wonderful opportunity to join me in a potent healing circle.

This has proven to be extremely effective for others in the past for moving obstacles and limitations in mind, body and spirit.

All you have to do is relax at the appointed time for twenty mins and be open to receive. Briefly hold the intention of what you want and then let go and relax.

This will work whether you can relax or are busy at the time.

Drink water afterwards and rest if you can.

To join please go to my website and use the donation button to pay 11.00 dollars

This is DISTANT lives, recording or zoom.

I’m so excited to connect with you!

Blessings Paige,

Let’s talk about LIGHT LANGUAGE.

What is it REALLY??

It’s common that light language can create a number of different emotions, reactions, or even triggers.

Some people hear it and think it’s crazy-ness, or “woo-woo” or “new age spiritual”.

Some people hear it and feel totally disconnected and don’t understand it all.

Some people hear it and get triggered, thinking that there’s a possession, or they feel fearful.

So, let’s break it down…

The most important thing to note when it comes to light language is that you get to create a relationship to it that’s right for you. You can subscribe to believe whatever feels most resonant and true for you around it.

However, if you DO have any triggers, reactions, or “negative” responses to light language, the invitation is to get curious.

Why? What were you taught about light language?

Now that you’re curious, let’s talk about light language in the full spectrum.

On one spectrum, light language can be something as simple as JIBBERISH.

On the opposite spectrum, light language can be used to channel benevolent, non-physical beings. You may be familiar with seeing particular “channelers” transmit this.

I personally, like to relate to light language as the language of the soul.

Light language is a combination of vowels and consonants that is a non-Earth based language.

When it comes to working with sound and frequency, as you begin to open your subtle awareness to the INFORMATION that SOUND is carrying, you begin to notice how thus sound is impacting your body.

This is why sound healing has become a recognized phenomenon, because sound can transmit energetic frequencies that sometimes language can not fully carry.

This is why music is so powerful.

Language is an extension of the frequency that desires to be communicated and shared.

So, light language is a language that is encoded with light. Light being information.

And sometimes, the language of the soul can’t be captured with earth based languages today.

EVERYONE has the ability to speak, sing, and share light language, if you so desire to!

So, next time you hear someone speak light language, drop the judgements, and just observe how it lands on your body and in your being. What information do you feel and receive behind what you’re hearing?

And remember, your relationship to your voice and how you choose to share and transmit it is YOURS.

This is exactly a section of what we explore and do together in THE VOCAL RESONANCE METHOD.

⭐️ In this work, you begin to open up your energy field to become aware of how truly powerful sound is, and particularly the sound of YOUR VOICE.

⭐️You release anything that is in the way of having an empowered, nourishing, and pleasurable relationship to your voice.

⭐️You learn how to become your own medicine through the power of your voice and soul song.

⭐️ And so much more!

⭐️And for those of you that are ready to do this work and support others in this life changing method, you learn how to facilitate transformational vocal coaching with The Vocal Resonance Method, and create a life doing what you love and getting paid well for it.