☕️ coffee

Have you thought about quitting coffee? I just did, again. Forgot why the first time, it slipped my mind. life got hectic. i went bsck to my comfy zone and routines of creature habits. So here’s the reasons why…

coffee is:

1. a pesticide

2. is an Alkaloid Poison = enters system, body recognizes poison and activates fight or flight system which then equals high energy.

3. Caffeine weakens your entire system. Including problems with your heart, insomnia, kidneys, and liver, and mental ones, including anxiety, cognitive functions, depression, and stress. The list is, of course, much longer!

4. Weaning is simple – it takes a few days – Day 1 reduce to 1/2 of what you typically drink. Day 2 reduce in 1/2 again. Continue until you get down to 1/2 a cup.

For me, I LOVE the ritual in the morning. So, I switched to Ryze Chicory Blend. i also like Dandy Blend, pretty sure you can find it in health food stores (I got mine through I-Herb online) and it’s such a perfect replacement! Love it!