July energetic & the day out of time

The day out of time is also called the Yellow Seed day. I have not learned why ‘yellow seed’ day per say but, for me: I liken it to the Myan connection to our golden divine sun and that to our yellow solar plexus… our reason for creation and a day to connect to our WHY. It is connected to the Myan calendar. 13 moons = 13 months=364 days but as we know it takes 365 1/4 days for a full rotation. So what our ancestors did was use July 25th as their ‘365 / day out if time’. Their new year began on the 26th. This day asks us to know the power of our intentions, words and actions just like living seeds cast into the field. We reap what we sow. Every idea is a seed.

In this particular day we need to empower ourselves and align with the power of the earth, align with Mother Gaia and the crystalline grid of ascension. We must be ready to walk through this portal of tomorrow- leave the old baggage in one space and open the door to new earth. We are asking ourselves to be ready to plant seeds of new. And we need to plant those seeds with an intention of love and trust, believing in the the harvest, in the flower, in the new potential of who we can be and what we can do.

Take this day and the time that leads up to it to focus on yourself and in your true desires, to meditate about your dreams, goals and hopes, to absorb the powerful energy that is embracing the Universe on this date.

As a day free of time, it’s said to be charged with spiritual energy and with an atypical opening of energy portals, which allows a more intense connection with the spiritual world.The “Day Out of Time” is a day to breathe and exhale.

Feel the “space” and “expansion” of the pause.

The theme of the Day Out of Time, celebrated all around the world in many cultures, is of reverence and respect for all life, a dedication to the beauty of eternal time, and an outreach of cultural and community exchange and education relative to the concept of natural time.

A day out of time is a special day for:

💚 universal forgiveness
💙radiantly expressing yourself
❤️ reverence and respect for all life
🧡 recognizing unity
⌛️focussing on awareness of the importance of our eternal time
🙏 prayer, meditation and ritual
🌟 transformation on deep levels with completion of the past and honoring new beginnings

We have the opportunity of understanding and feeling the NON linearity of time.

What is your way of honoring yourself and the unfolding your life and soul’s mission through time? I’d love to have you share in the comments below.

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