lions gate portal 8-8-8

Each year on the Lionsgate Portal (8th Aug) we receive high frequency Light upgrades from the Sirian & Lyran Star Gateways, supporting us to embody our Divine Light, Truth and Authenticity. This year 2024 also breaks down to 8 (2+0+2+4=8)- which means this is a VERY intense portal. The energy of the portal will be felt through 7/27-8/12 duty the peak on the 8th of August! Tge lions gate portal is connect to tge alignment of the stars in Egypt where the river flowes and fields would turn lush and green. The stars directly align with the pyramids!

On this day, 8-8-8, and a window before and after it, we have the opportunity to leave behind all that no longer serves us and to energetically step through the Lions Gateway, which upgrades us into higher consciousness & aligns us to our Highest Timeline & Divine Purpose.

Hathor energy & Goddess Sekhmet call us into this space re-connecting us to our elder goddess wisdom within. Sekhmet is the keeper of the Lion Heart codes. She steps forward to upgrade us into our divine light wisdom and power. When we hold the High Priestess and Lions gate energy within us, we hold the balance of Heaven & Earth, and Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine within. We open the gates to our own divine power, fertility and abundance.

Goddess Sekhmet steps forward and places a Gold Lion amulet on your 3rd Eye Chakra, initiating you as Lion Priestess and Lyran brother/sister of light. Allow yourself to receive the Golden codes throughout your entire body, fully receiving these golden codes into every cell within you. Goddess Sekhmet now weaves the Gold Lion codes into your Heart, opening & activating your Lion Heart: Bravery & Courage!A Gold Spiral now forms within your Heart Chakra, and within it there is a Gold Ankh, and on the Gold Ankh there is a Gold rose on it. Now feel the rays of golden light & lion codes spreading from your Heart out into your entire body.Goddess Sekhmet now asks you to send the Lion Heart codes down to your feet and into the Earth, anchoring these codes into the Earth. Allow yourself now to feel stronger and more embodied. Take a moment now to set new intentions for your path ahead. What is it you would like to create, embody and invite into your life? Goddess Sekhmet opens the Lions Gateway Portal and you see a Gateway before you, and she invites you to step through the Gateway when you are ready. Step through the Gateway and receive the light upgrades. Take a moment to feel and receive the new codes, opportunities and insights that may come through. What does your upgraded self feel like?Thank Goddess Sekhmet and our Lyran brothers/sisters for the guidance and support and invite them to guide you on your next steps in support of aligning to your greater purpose & destiny on Earth.

Many blessings to you on this Lionsgate Portal! 🙏 🦁☀️✨️⭐️🙏

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