Lionsgate expectations vs. Reality

Lionsgate- is still whirling around me. The oeak is 8-8 but the portal is open from July 28 to August 12 (the hottest days of the year that occur in Leo Season, known as “the dog days of summer”), Lion’s Gate is energized the most by the sun on August 8 (the halfway of the sun’s dance through the constellation of Leo). I was in deep preparation for this day. It is supposed to be the luckiest day of the year for manifesting.
This alignment is said to create a potent energy gateway associated with manifestation, spiritual healing, And a transformation gate.

When 8-8 arrived I had stacked classes and meditations to joinnand leading. I was hoping for magic and alignment. I planned manifestation for abundance and success. I got shadows and mirrors. Like the wise sage Taylor Swift sings ‘ Hi, I am the problem, it’s me’ … I was so deeply depressed on this high magic day I knew I could not ignore it and pretend everything was great. I knew I needed time to ground. The amount of negative things coming up were for sure not all mine, but as a way -shower and space holder for the collective- I knew these thoughts needed to be transmuted. I took the day 8-9 to wonder. A nice drive to led me to a perfect place to get lost on my way to see a friend at a monestary: I found a meditation garden with a lions gate. I stood at the lions gate and allowed all those fears up and out. Luckily no one was around to see the ugly tears.Healing and spiritual service is not always pretty. I took my shadows and left them on one side of the gate and walked through to find more clarity and healing…. I got lost in a walking meditation. Allowing the thoughts to settle and relax so I could face them, understand them and release….. for those of you in shadows…. Take a look at these lions and release them then go for a walk. A walking meditation. Let your thoughts swirl and storm. Accept them. Welcome them. Then leave them behind as you choose with each step to move forward in a new direction. It’s safe, it’s only change. Once at the monestary I was still enough to meditate and be quite and still. I had tea with my friend. I came home feeling finally more like self. On the 10th. I felt happiness creeping in. I went to a lake and someone was playing a lute. I danced in the water and let energy move. This is what healing is…. step by step & day by day… allowing and receiving. You are evolving.we all are. I am in this journey with you. Its hard sometimes. And, It’s okay… your okay….if u need a healing please reach out! ✨️ And, I know that while my lionsgate wasn’t that beautiful blissful magical we all want… it was a deeply healing transformational gate of letting go of the old and welcoming in new. I’m blessed and honored to be on this awaken path. Every day is a portal on many ways… a choice…. to stay present & mindful and be open to allowing our growth… which is not always love and light, sometimes it’s shadow and spirit. And it’s those days the darkest days when we face our shadow and claim it that we open to more light in our future. Keep going. We must keep going…. You see we all WANT those magical blissed out days but being in our body is so important; Feeling our feelings (including the ugly ones); and walking through those transformational gates of shadow into light. We have to walk through or we get stuck on the other side of happiness. Don’t let that happen… If you read this far.. reach out for a healing!

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