Schumann Resonance

Named after Winfried Otto Schumann

Who In 1952, a professor at the Technische Hochschule München, Germany, published several papers postulating the resonances of extremely low frequency (ELF) waves in the Earth-air-ionosphere waveguide excited by lightning discharges. The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. The Schumann resonances (SR) are electromagnetic oscillations of the Earth-ionosphere cavity.  As Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 and is also known as the “Schumann Resonance”.

The energy can spike based on thunder storms, solar flares and other electro magnetic energy in the earths atmosphere. The frequency the Earth vibrates is about 8 hertz which matches the Schumann Resonance of 7.8 Hz. That is why the Schumann is often called the heartbeat of Earth. And being we are of this planet and we too are connected to the earth we are connevting the dots to see that when the schumann spikes so to do we.

A 7.83 Hz frequency is also connected to humans at an alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain. Alpha/Theta brainwave frequency is relaxed, dreamy, sleepy state, that is also when cell regeneration and healing happens.

It is no surprise that people nowadays, especially in bigger cities, are unbalanced, irritated, reactive, angry and disease are rising in astronomical numbers. We live in the time of technology, with superficial wavelengths that disrupt the natural earth’s frequency. Wifi, cell phones, and an array of electronics are part of our everyday lives. It is also why our bio-electromagnetic waves are out of balance. We are out of balance from Earth’s electromagnetic frequency. For example, the frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (what powers cell phones, tvs, radio etc) ranges from 30,000 Hz to 300 Billion Hz. That is a significant amount more than 7.83 Hz that the earth radiates. No wonder we are all out of sorts.  Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz has also been linked by some to hypnosis, meditation, and even human growth hormones but there’s less rigorous scientific evidence of those connections at this point.

It has been proven by scientific experiments that tuning into 7.83Hz, the planet’s own magnetic frequency people experience benefits like enhanced learning/memory, body rejuvenation, balance, improved stress tolerance, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, and grounding. On the other hand, experiments were done, where Schumann resonance, the exposure of 7.83 Hz frequency was removed from individuals environment. The subjects reported migraine headaches, emotional distress, and other health problems. This shows how important it is to be in tune with the Earth’s frequency.

My guides are with me as I integrate new energy and downloads and heal what needs to heal in my physical and auric bodies. This eclipse  and full moon energy is intense. A year, two, ten, twenty plus years ago…I would have told people I am “sick” not knowing or understanding the mind body connection of my soul and my role as a healer and teacher to others. Now I sit in trust and realize and see the brilliance of this body! How my body communicates to me and if I listen we are in alignment and, when I don’t dis-ease can be created….but in listening and coneccting with the gift of self I receive inner wisdom. I am well and my body is doing good works right now tp create more harmony in my soul. If you are ill or hurting or in a moment of rest….allow it and trust your body to heal! We are also in a very intense time of energy with #schumannresonance spikes. Tuning into the Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz, the heart beat of Mother Earth is a great way to understand some of the mystery of our own bodies. The planet’s magnetic frequency is connected to our own. When I feel.” Out of sorts” I check the Schumann. Yoy can see it is spikinh today. Many people including myself experience physical symptoms tied to the flares:

A simple code I use to understand it is…. blue =stasis & calm. Green = 3d purge of old unwanted energy. White is 5d light codes coming in (downloads for ascension). Red is trauma being transmuted. Gold is God code assisting us in the integration of healing for humanity and Mother Earth as our heartbeats become one.

Huge activations are taking place right now for many of us who are upgrading to their next level.

The white light is Christ consciousness being sent towards Earth. The yellow is healing within the collective. Green is the stable, grounding energy of collective consciousness.

You’re being invited to step up to a higher level of spiritual evolution and hold more light than you ever have. Yes, it will be uncomfortable. To make space for all the light, you need to work on your shadow and truly step into your power.

This is true for all of us as a collective too.

Insane amount of shady stuff is coming to light and more will resurface soon. It’s not going to be comfortable and there’s going to be resistance. Many are not ready to see the truth, many are actively blocking it.

Good news is that you only need a very small percentage of us operating on high frequency to blast it open and flood our reality with light. If you feel like you’re here to be a part of this, use this time to open yourself up to the light.

Sit in meditation, call in your angels or guides, and ask to be upgraded and initiated. Let it flow, trust it and receive. The upgrade might come with ascension symptoms, so look after your physical body. Lots of filtered water and herbal teas, ditch coffee and alcohol. Ground yourself daily. Eat wholesome, plant based food. Sleep and rest. You got this.

You’re being invited to step up to a higher level of spiritual evolution and hold more light than you ever have. Yes, it will be uncomfortable. To make space for all the light, you need to work on your shadow and truly step into your power.

This is true for all of us as a collective too.

Insane amount of shady stuff is coming to light and more will resurface soon. It’s not going to be comfortable and there’s going to be resistance. Many are not ready to see the truth, many are actively blocking it….when following the #Schumann

A simple code I use to understand it is…. blue =stasis & calm. Green = 3d purge of old unwanted energy. energy of human collective. White is 5d light codes coming in (downloads for ascension). Red is trauma being transmuted. Gold is God code assisting us in the integration of healing for humanity and Mother Earth as our heartbeats become one. With all this green you are purging old and making space for the new earth. You are probably one of the beings here to assust Gaia (Mother Earth) in anchoring in new light codes on earth. You might be feeling lethargic, physand emotionally….even cold/flu symptoms as you purge old and download new energy and anchor it in to earths grid. I know I am feeling it.

Huge activations are taking place right now for many of us who are upgrading to their next level.

#schumannresonance #spiritualawakening

If you’ve been feeling fatigued this week, you’re not alone.

(This is a medium long, science-y post about what’s happening to Earth’s frequency, why it’s happening, and how it affects us)

The Schumann Resonance has been off the scale.

The Schumann Resonance is essentially the measure of Earth’s frequency.

It usually radiates around a 7.8 mhz (although in the last few years it has increased or “ascended”, one might say, to an average of 8.3 mhz)

This week there have been multiple spikes in the 30-60 range 🤯

The cool/ insane thing is that there weren’t ANY spikes measured on the spectrograms before 6 years ago. Earth’s frequency just radiated at the same 7.8 mhz consistently and registered as a straight green line.

Another fascinating thing to know, is that when our heart and mind are in alignment, our body radiates at the same frequency as the Earth (scientifically proven, not made up 😂). When they are not in alignment, we radiate at a lower frequency than the Earth.

What does that mean??

That means when Earth’s energy spikes, our bodies wig out.

Imagine you had a battery that could handle 7 volts of electricity, and you tried to run 60 volts of electricity through it.

The battery would be fried (anyone ever experienced this? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😆)

The same thing is happening to our bodies.

WHY is Earth’s energy spiking?

There’s a lot of conjecture around this, and it is still unknown.

I agree with the theory that this is how we are being delivered downloads, upgrades, new codes along with actually preparing our bodies to PHYSICALLY handle moving larger and larger frequencies of energy through us, as Earth continues to ascend.

This theory is strengthened for me by some astrophysics, which is that neutrinos – which are tiny particles that move through pretty much everything on Earth 24/7 (YouTube this – it’s FASCINATING!!) – still have an unknown source in space.

Aka: There are particles landing on Earth all the time that astrophysicists cannot track their source in space. We don’t know where they come from

(And they can track particles that existed since before the universe was created so this is incredibly mysterious!)

Bottom line: there’s a scientific explanation (beyond sabotage 😆 for my peeps) for why you are fatigued.

Rest up.


Drink lots of water.

Spend time in nature.

Move your body to get rid of any excess adrenaline and cortisol

Soothe & reassure your body that it can handle these energy bursts in both physical and energetic ways 💜

The Schumann resonance frequency, as stated, has a fundamental of about 7.8 Hz, plus harmonics; 15.6 Hz, 23.4 Hz up to about 31.2 Hz. None of these frequencies are intensifying as an understanding eye will see from the spectrogram.

The horizontal lines are the Schumann resonance and the bright vertical lines are just noise and interference at the observing station. These images often get posted by those who don’t really understand what they are looking at – is an ELF spectrogram.

  • The Schuman resonance BTW is not a sound frequency but a radio signal resonating in the ‘cavity’ between the Earth’s surface and the bottom of the ionosphere, and the energising source is electrical discharges from lightning. Since the size of the Earth is fixed, and the height of the ionosphere varies only slightly, it’s clear the SR frequency does not significantly change.

Hope this clarifies things – until someone else posts it again…

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