Chakras on the planet!

1. Earth – Star Chakra @ London UK
2. Base – Root Chakra @ Mt. Shasta
3. Sacral – Chakra @ Honolulu
4.Navel Chakra @ Fiji
5. Solar Plexus Chakra @ Whole of South Africa
6. Heart Chakra @  Glastonbury UK
Cosmic Heart Chakra @ Guatemala
7. Throat Chakra @ Luxor Egypt
8. Third Eye Chakra @ Afganistan
9. Crown Chakra @ Machu Picchu Peru
10. Causal Chakra @ Tibet
11. Soul Star Chakra @ Agra India
12. Stellar Gateway Chakra @ North Artic.

Kryon talks about Maui being of the 12 nodes of the earth. A space where the crystalline grid overlaps with the Gaia grid. And because Lemuria is getting mentioned would like to include that Kauai holds the spiritual lineage of lemuria.

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