How Water Heals

You are water and water is a programming language

Based on the work of Masaru Emoto and his book

The Miracle of Water by Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto says that water is the blue print of life and all of our emotions.

Here is a video on youtube that breaks down his study so well :

They say we as humans are over 70% water. So then, after watching this video and considering our thoughts and self talk – how do we think we are programming our bodies?  Words can be swords and hurt. We know this it is because the water in our body reacts to it. But we ourselves do most of the talking and programming….

Take a moment to think about your thoughts and interior monologue and inner chatter.  You are programming yourself.  What are you telling yourself? Think about the crystallized water after saying ‘ i hate you’ how many times we do we say that to ourselves or worse?!

This is WHY affirmations are so important!

If you think about our thoughts as a program we code into our life to manifest by changing our thoughts and self-talk we can change our lives.

I dare you to notice the things you think for one day. Write it down. Then replace all the negative thoughts, fears doubts, worry etc with something new better and improved. With love and gratitude. Then we you notice that thought or something like it say ‘ clear cancel delete’ replacing it with ________.  For example:  “God, I am so old . Yuck. ” Clear. Cancel. Delete. Replacing that with: “God, I am perfect just the way I am, Thank you”

They say 21 days make a new habbit. Try this for 21 days.

Yes, AND… As you go to bed at night. Leave a glass of water out with an affirmation or deep thought you would like to replace that you speak over the water. Drink water first thing in the morning when you wake up while you say your affirmations!

I do this while taking a bath too!

in 90 days you will feel soo much better.