
Reiki Level One Practitioner Course

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $125.00.

Have you always wanted a super easy, simple, yet powerful way to heal yourself and others? EVERYONE can use Reiki on practically any way they can come up with, for the good of well-being, because it is benevolent life force energy that passes through you. You can use Reiki for everything from self-care and self-mastery to adding great vibes to your home and life- by charging your food, your water, sending healing to your loved ones, your pets, your plants, your car, your appliances… we all connect to universal life force energy and want its love and light in our life now! Reiki is the only modality that allows you and encourages you to work on yourself first!

Take a Reiki class and start your spiritual journey!
Reiki is for everybody!

Reiki is not just a method of healing or a certificate to add to your door- it is a program for enlightenment with principals that will guide your life- and can help you in so many ways – in this program – if you choose me, as your teacher, I will be your mentor and ally on your spiritual path!


Have you always wanted a super easy, simple, yet powerful way to heal yourself and others? Ever thought it would be cool to bless your food and water, your bed, your pet’s, cleanse a room, charge your jewelry, amplify your vision boards, you skin products, your websites, you name it? Well, then Reiki is the perfect thing for you. Gone are the days when Reiki was used only by the villager healer…EVERYONE can use Reiki on practically any way they come up with, for the good of well-being, because it is benevolent life force energy that passes through you.
In my multi-level Reiki course: I will guide you one-on-one in a coaching/mentor program that initiates you to your own healing abilities and help you through your own healing process. With Reiki you take the reins and leadership of your healing self-first and foremost- and becoming a healer to others, next.  I was attuned in person in 2008, but because covid has changed our world so much with zoom- this course is available to anyone & anywhere!
Reiki has changed a lot since I started, but the kernel is there and always the same: benevolent love from source for the greatest good. Reiki is not fire or ice – it can be based on your gifts and what you bring to the healing, but above all, Reiki is love. It is simple and beautiful. It is the gateway to all the healing modalities because of its simplicity. Reiki is not just a modality – it is a practice. Reiki I is about healing the physical body – With me, level one is 21 + days. I teach you the principles of Reiki, and then you dive deep into your own healing – giving yourself Reiki every day. Meditating on the principles of Reiki and connecting mond body spirit into your daily practice. It is a practice that really should never end because you can’t give it if you don’t receive it. After 21 days, we reconnect and can go deeper if you’re called. Reiki II is about the emotional body. Again, I like time between to let it settle, to practice, to connect. Level III is distance Reiki and working with people within the quantum field over and through time and space. Reiki 4 is the mastership attunement to teach others. I don’t give that lightly, unlike most teachers. For me, I need to see you being ready, healing, and working on self before your attunement of others. I am not a quick, easy fix teacher. It will be a healing journey. If this feels right to you- I would be honored to be your teacher and attunement you in the rights and principles of Reiki.
Reiki I-$225
Reiki II-$250
Reiki III- $250
Reiki Mastership $250
*One of the “issues of Reiki” is 3 levels or 4. I offer 4 because in today’s world with today’s energy I want you to be prepared to do your own work and help others with confidence. You will notice I have an additional class and level  between 2 and mastership – this is because, I believe, it is crucial to master our energy and gifts in today’s current era before you start attuning others and I want to offer my years of leadership and experience to you before we send you out in the world , healing others*  However if you do not feel you are going into business you can “skip” this level or take it at a later time.
** PS- * WHY are my prices so low, am I a beginner? HECK NO> I have been doing Reiki for almost 20 years. I am selective. If you choose to do level one with me, it is because you are ready to step onto a spiritual journey of healing and self-mastery. You are paying not for Reiki, because Reiki is universal life force energy and that is everywhere and available to anyone- you are paying for my time, my experience, my spiritual leadership and my mentorship in your spiritual journey.  I keep my prices low because I want everyone who wants to become a Reiki healer, and to live by its principles, to be able to! I do not want money to be a block. I think the more of us that Practice Reiki and commit to its principles will make for a better world.
Reiki Level I–This is where you learn about what Reiki is, what you can do with it, and the history of Reiki. You will then be attuned to the energy of Reiki, and you can start using it right away. You will enter a self-practice of inner healing and connecting to Reiki principles for 21 days with my support, at the end of the 21 days, you can graduate to level II and begin the path of becoming a healer to others. The first class will be about 3.5 hours. After that, we can connect via what’s app if you have questions or things pop up during your 21-day practice. After 21 days, we connect 15 min via zoom again just to ground in energy and anchor it all in for an integration. Then you are ready to book your next level!!
Reiki Level II-In this exciting level, you learn 3 Reiki symbols: The Power Symbol and the Emotional/Mental Symbol. And, the Distance symbols * which enables you to do Reiki for peeps thousands of miles away!
Reiki III – In this class, we go deeper with the *Distance Reiki Symbol, and we will deep dive into quantum healing: a must have for today’s modern “zoom” era. We will also go over & practice more in-depth animal Reiki, which is slightly different than human. I will also go over more of the in’s and out’s and things I have learned and encountered over my years as a healer (entities, psychic surgery, etc.) and how to keep your energy safe and pure. We will also touch on the business side of being a healer and owning your own spiritual business aka ” soul proprietorship” 
Reiki Mastership – In this level, you learn the Reiki master symbol, which is the highest amount of energy streaming through your palms! You are now ready to teach and attune others if you like!
Only Reiki one is listed, because you have to complete this course with me, and the 21 days of self-mastery,  before we discuss the next levels of Reiki and attunement.

I hope you join me for Reiki Level One Practitioner Course for the spiritually minded and awakening souls- at your own pace one-on-one with me as your mentor!  Remember Reiki is for everyone, it is not a religion and can help everyone of all faiths and backgrounds! You are welcome here! There is no prerequisite to Reiki I- take the leap and sign up! I am so honored and blessed to be on this journey with you!

Just for today- Principles of Reiki
Reiki is a method of enlightenment- if you live by these principles – the awakening path is yours!



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Just for today- Principles of Reiki
Reiki Level One Practitioner Course
Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $125.00.