Reiki to live by

In 2018 my daughters class had chickens and after hatching the teacher needed a family to adopt them. I’d wanted to raise chickens and had a chicken coop on the property. So I adopted 6 adorable chick’s. And we loved them as Cute little chick’s but soon we were realizing I had 2 hens and 4 roosters. It was awful. They were mean and scary and terrorized us. One rooster was kind of smart he jumped the fence to my neighbors yard who had chickens. The other 3 faught it out daily. I was so stressed out catching them one by one and finding homes for them. Finally we had one rooster and two chick’s and a fox got them in the middle of the night. I was free…. ish. Since then my neighbors have kept roosters. Multiple roosters. More then one neighbor now. Multiple coops with dueling roosters. And, I blame myself. If only I never said yes to that teacher, to my childs pleading eyes, to trying something new. It was an awful experience and it has haunted me since. I have not had a chicken since that failed experiment. But… since 2018 it seems I wake up practically crying as roosters screech and ruin my sleep, my attempts atmorning meditation, or my insomnia ridden frustrations. Those damn roosters. All my fault. Yesterday was the worst. I couldn’t sleep and just as I am falling asleep at 4am after a long night of tossing and turning and over thinking – my neighbors dueling roosters start filling the 4 am air. I cried. I honestly prayed for them to die. I thought about using my Reiki for evil… if I can heal.. What if… can I…? Whoa.It took me by surprise. I am frustrated my neighbors kept the roosters I introduced into their life but I can not change that. It is past. I can’t undo it. I can’t yell at them or call police or go to town council meetings about sound ordinances. What good would come of it? Would it help? No…So I prayed for myself because obviously I am hurting. I am still mad at a 2018 version of myself that I can’t change. Wouldn’t change. I thought back to 2018 and how those moments raising chicks was sweet and tender. We had a happy family. I learned a lot. I miss those moments, yes… but I dont want to go back. I love who my children are becoming and I love who I am becoming. We Can’t go back. I wouldn’t change a thing because every step Ive learned, grown, evolved. And what my neighbors do not up to me. I cant change thevworkd but I can change my reaction to it. So…. as roosters calls and their screeches and cocka-doodle-dos fill the air. I am forgiving myself. For not being perfect. For making mistakes. For being naive. For loving with a huge heart. Forgiving past.Why am I holding onto so much regret? What is it gifting me? Unchecked it’s turning to anger and hostility. What good will come at me being angry over this? Regret is like roosters. Waking you up in the middle of the night. Seeing proof of your mistakes in your neighbors yard where the grass looks greener. I let my roosters go.I have to forgive myself for having them and allow my neighbors the freedom to live their life as they see fit. So this morning, I got up with the roosters. I said ‘hey morning fellas, I can’t get rid of you. I guess I will join you’. And so far. So good. Reiki principles are ✨️ just for today I will not anger✨️just for today I will not worry✨️✨️ just for today I will do my work honestly ✨️just for today I will give thanks for my blessings✨️just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.So I will live that. Put it into deep practice. I will continue to say YES to life opportunity- even if not all of them are wins. I learn and grow so it is always a win to try new things. I will always be open to learning new things, trying new things, even if they might fail. Failing is after all, just a first attempt in learning. With EveryCookadoodledoI will live by my Reiki principles. I am so happy I started doing Reiki. In 2008. It changed my life. And every day since. It makes me a better person.If I can remember to live by it. Everyone should know Reiki.If you want to learn Reiki, I am a Reiki Master Teacher ( technically though I’ve not taught a class…. never really felt the need but now I do.) who wants to be attuned to Reiki 1? Message me…I’ll get a class going!

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