rose medicine

On July 26th I commit to a year of sitting with rose medicine and connecting more deeply to my inner priestess path, Mary Magdalene, Queen Mary and Sophia light consciousness.

I choose this because I am feeling lost in my feminine. I am calling on my divine balance- masculine and feminine and sovereign power of wisdom.

About a year ago Lakshmi came in a meditation sacred circle (channeled through a friends of mine) on the topic of Abundance. Lakshmi came in to say we could manifest a rose as easily as 10,000. So I started connecting to the rose energy. About 3 months later I manifested a rose. 3 months after that 10k came into our household unexpected. It happened twice- the second rose gave me and my husband and all expenses paid vacation that I am sure was over 10k. So there is medicine there and intention. But I feel thevrose is such more. Since my beginning connection to rose as 10k, my guides have been continually coming in during meditation and giving me rose attunement at each chakra.

Beautiful and pure- this rose medicine is entirely love. So as I am coming out of (going into?) a deep transformation the way of the rose seems to be calling me.

Energetically, what rose medicine primarily means for me is to be listening and learning from rose throughout my day. It is a kind of soft awareness and openness to my divine feminine and Godess energy and Mary.

What this looks like in practice can mean

~Meditation on rose

~Manifestation of rose

~Drinking rose tea
~Bathing, anointing with rose

~spraying with rose oil or rose essential oil
~Sleeping with rose Quartz under my pillow
~Working with rose as a sacred symbol
~Incorporating the rose into my meditations, as nourishment and attunement
~Listening/following rose medicine as a compass for my life and work
~Paying attention to roses blooming in my world & the gift of receiving them
~Having gratitude for rose

and the rosary….

A few weeks ago after being depressed -I was lying around feeling sorry for myself, and I remembered that I could say the rosary.

This is something that I was called to, and am practicing primarily for my own self–but you are welcome to join right in! See where your longing and her wisdom takes you and connect to it how you will. . .

I have re-embraced the rosary and when I fewl intensely stressed and overworked. The rosary, FOR ME, is such a resource and comfort to me in my devotion to the Goddess. Mary Queen of heaven comforts me and brings me inner peace.

When I feel like I have to have everyone else’s back but wonder what was there for me (this is not a criticism of anyone, just life), I pray the rosary.

What I see over time is that the superficial connections to patriarchal religion are almost like an inside joke with the Holy Mother, that she was willing to take on a few superficial trappings to have her medicine be seeded far and wide through a mantra that invokes her presence, her blessing, her fiercely intimate, tender, and strong love.

Mary is always there: Anchoring in the light. We would not have Jesus/Yeshua with out Mary. We would not have Mary without her mother Anna. This link is important is remembering who we are.

This doesn’t mean you have to do it the way I do. Folks make their own adjustments to the rosary. And sometimes I do. But I really saw how that mantra, so widespread, connects us into a web that does not just connect us through space in any given moment to every other person praying the rosary, but across time as well, a multidimensional weaving.

Back to remembering the rosary last week–as I repeated the words, she showed me that SHE could be the compass I needed. That I had been driven (by necessity? by habit? probably both) over the last year by a compass of acute need and crisis in my family and intimate circle. So of course, as that subsided in various ways, I would feel rudderless. But, if I was willing to listen to a quieter pulse, she was here.

So, here I am, following a compass rose that lives both within and without. I am too tired to ‘do a big thing’, but I am passionate to listen to the deep heartbeat of life.

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