Why I love pink Himalayan salt

Lets Talk “Pink Himalayan Salt”

Sprinkle sea salt around your door thresholds, property and most importantly your beds for spiritual protection.

The use of sea salt for spiritual protection has a long history and is rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions. Sea salt is believed to have purifying and protective properties that can help ward off negative energies and entities.
Ancient Practices: The use of salt for purification and protection dates back to ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, salt was used in religious rituals to purify sacred spaces and protect against malevolent forces. It was also used in mummification rituals to preserve the dead.
Greek and Roman Traditions: Both ancient Greek and Roman cultures used salt in various rituals and ceremonies. In Roman times, salt was associated with the goddess Salacia, the protector of the sea. It was often used to purify and sanctify spaces.
Christianity: In Christianity, salt has significant symbolism and is considered a symbol of purity. In the Catholic Church, salt is blessed and used in the rite of exorcism to protect against evil spirits. It is also used in the Christian tradition as part of the baptismal rite to purify and protect the soul. There is salt in holy water!!
Hoodoo and Folk Magic: In African American hoodoo and folk magic traditions, salt is used for various spiritual purposes, including protection. It is often sprinkled around doorways and windows to keep out negative energies and entities.
Wicca and Paganism: In modern Wiccan and pagan practices, sea salt is often used in purification rituals and protective spells. It is seen as a representation of the element of Earth and is believed to have grounding and protective properties.
Feng Shui: In Chinese culture, salt is used in Feng Shui for its cleansing and protective properties. It is often placed in bowls or small containers in specific areas of the home to absorb negative energy and protect the space.
Native American Traditions: Some Native American tribes have incorporated the use of salt in their purification and protection rituals. Salt is seen as a powerful purifier in cleansing ceremonies.

My favorite movie clip that proves the power of salt is the movie HOCUS POCUS!

I use Pink Himalayan for healing emotional wounds. It is connected to the sacral chakra.

When going through a hard time run a bath with the intention of healing. Pink Himalayan salt is found near the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan. Some believe it provides a number of benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.One of the most notable health benefits of Himalayan pink salt is its ability to help detoxify the body and soften the skin. This special type of salt has a unique combination of minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium, that help to stimulate circulation and detoxify the body.  Speak your intention for healing to the salt then add to the water.  Soak in the bath imagine all the negativity leaving your body.