September New Moon

New Moon energy is the best for me. I love new beginnings and I love being able to focus on my manifestations. It’s in the shadow we can ask ‘who am I?’ ‘who am I becoming?’

The destination keeps you going but it’s the journey that counts and when you get there if you find the destination isn’t what you’re looking for set a new one and keep going.

DID YOU KNOW?The ancient lunar priestesses were called virgins. “Virgin” AND does NOT mean a woman who has never had sex with a man as the church says today.The Latin word “virgin” comes from the root “vir” meaning strength, power, powerful woman.It applied to the goddesses who were called virgins not because of their purity, but because of their vigor, because of their independence.

When I connect to the lunar phases I feel more complete – more strength & more trust in who I am.

The New Moon in Virgo fell on September 2, but we are still in that energetic window. Now it’s a great time to get organized and clean up both our life and the planet. It’s calling in completion of a cycle we started on the 8-8 portal this year. I feel it nudging me, asking me, begging me to pay attention. Are you happy? Why or why not? What needs to change? How?

Change is scary- terrifying actually – if it’s shape-shifting you out of who you “think” you are….

but we must….

we came here to change, evolve, awaken….

My mantra for this autumn is..

I am safe. It’s only change. I AM BRAVE. ♥️

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