Summer Solstice Energy

After a difficult winter and all these months of being stripped bare of many beliefs and ideas of who I thought I was and what I thought I was doing here, and with my Mothers passing on Good Friday – these summer light codes have brought focus and a dash of clarity to my life with a hint of newfound JOY. I love this time of year. The summer sun literally wakes me up. I feel alive. My solar return deeply stirs within every cell…. Yup , I am a summer leo baby and, this time of year is magick for me. ✨️With the suns return to my chart and the sky- I feel an increased sense of peace, renewed curiosity, and bubbles of bliss infusing into my life. I also recognize my sadness amplified & calling for ACTION / change. I feel called to shed my skin and start anew. I am working my 9-5 job on the solstice this year and as I was trying to figure out how I could honor the energy codes & Solstice energy flowing in… Luckily, I had today off thanks to Junteenth and knew this would be a good time to connect in and feel the light codes that are pouring in from Mother Earth and Father Sun! It was my time to connect – feel + ground. This afternoon- Planning to take my little brass bowl out into the backyard to play and call in the beautiful light codes that have been arriving stronger and stronger each day over the past few days a rain storm started brewing and I found myself standing in the whipping wind and singing light language to the elements. Shedding the old and calling in the new. I felt power, strength and admiration for the world I live in, for my life, for my gifts and for my now moment. No doubt the meaning of today added to thr energetics flowing in. The energy of today, Junteenth, is about discovering freedom- even that which is held and hidden from us & claiming it…. I probably should not use the word “us” because I kow the history of this date is not technically my celebration as a white woman… but as a humn I know I am part o this healing and I must hol spce for all. I can honor the collective wisdom for freedom within all of us.

This week we have been seeing intense solar flares and Schumann spikes — Energetically we are calling in Christ consciousness and awakening light codes for ALL of humanity.

We welcome powerful shifts with the beginning of the zodiac sun turning to Cancer season, a Full Moon in Capricorn, and the Summer Solstice! Powerful! With so much afoot in these cosmic and earthly portals, it’s an excellent time to seek grounding and harmony… did you know that “harmony” literally means “to be in tune with the moon (womb) cycle”?

It’s time to remember how to live in harmony with our bodies and our planet. We, me, you and our bodies – we have incredible wisdom stored within your body’s cells. We can access it as we awaken to our true nature, and the true nature of plants, animals, rocks, and our galaxy!Are you paying attention? Energy is indicating to us what is the path we are meant to be walking, the life we are meant to be living.It’s time to Awaken The Goddess within. Divine Masculine/ Devine Feminine NOW. Not next week, not next month.We are about to enter a mega energetic 3-month portal starting tomorrow, June 20th, for the solstice.I have been guided to create a superpower mini-program that starts this Sunday and lasts until the Autumn Equinox. We will be working together on key dates throughout the summer, and fall as full moons overlap with time portals. It’s going to be a wild ride and I am inviting you to surf these tidal waves that will be coming at us with intention. hope this finds you well and thriving. I’m so excited!

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