

Ho’oponopono….send them forgiveness and love every day in meditation until they no longer have any energetic attachment to you nor you to them. I learned about this from the book zero limits by Joe Vitale. I love the audio book because there is actual audio recordings of Dr. Len (his  Ho’oponopono mentor/teacher). I can feel the power and keys and codes hidden in his voice. Much more powerful then reading alone.

Look for the free audio book on youtube called zero limits by Joe Vitale. it is on youtube or audible!

A founding principle within ho’oponopono is the belief that people are responsible both for their inner worlds and for the external world, a realm in which all living beings are connected. The prayer or mantra is: I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you. Thank you, I Love You” …

it is NOT easy.

Especially if they hurt you.

But it will “cleanse” yourself of bad feelings and cut the cord in love so you can move on. Chant the mantra repeatedly while sitting with your eyes closed, as a kind of meditation “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you. I love you. Thank you. I found as I did this some sentences were harder then others especially as I healed
For example saying I’m sorry to one who has hurt you….that’s the first hurdle. Then accepting personal responsibility in the entanglement and asking ease forgive me
So difficult. The hardest –

I love you & thank you…..

but… .it…. works

It is a  traditional hawaiian prayer/mantra that make things right within themselves and with others by repeating the clearing statement.

A founding principle within ho’oponopono is the belief that people are responsible both for their inner worlds and for the external world, a realm in which all living beings are connected. If someone ir something comes into your field- bam – your responsible for it. That means we cant hide away frlm the harshness of the world: war, famine, etc. If its in our world we are meant to help change it. Dr Len helped heal patients in an asylum with out meeting them. Imagine that for a second…. we CAN change the world! Through repetition of this simple and beautiful prayer/ clearing statement people learn to change their mindsets to promote healing and overall well-being by recontextualizing our world. We really are all one. I hear all the time. I don’t watch the news. I protect my energy…. good for you but what about those that are suffering? We can make a difference but the first step is to stop hiding from it.

What Is the Background of Ho’oponopono?
This ancient form of Huna healing was traditionally practiced in the Polynesian islands in the South Pacific. It was used as a form of conflict resolution within families or communities and between the different kingdoms in the region to generate peace and harmony among people, within individual relationships, and even throughout the land itself. The original practice was oriented more toward the community than the individual. The ancient Hawaiians believed that physical illness was a punishment from the gods for social entanglements and disputes, so conflict resolution through ho’oponopono was a necessary tool.

But in terms of self healing it is a powerful healing tool and mantra for awakening ones.

Our thoughts create our reality. When we use this clearing statement we acknowledge a conversation with God:

Only you and the 1 (or God) are involved.
Only you are physically present.
Repentance is to the 1 (or God).
Forgiveness is from the 1 (or God).
Practitioners of ho’oponopono, like Len, believe in the shared consciousness of all human beings; by healing himself, he was able to, as Len put it, “clean the part of me that I shared with them.”

I use ho’oponopono all the time. In my healings, in my daily practice, in my prayers and in my frustrations.

I get cutting off in traffic: ho’oponopono

My child and I get into a fight: ho’oponopono

I watch the news and get upset by what I see: ho’oponopono

My husband makes me mad: ho’oponopono

A customer ar work yells at me: ho’oponopono

Through ho’oponopono we make things right within themselves and with others by repeating the following prayer or mantra: “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you.”

I’m Sorry
Through this component of the mantra, we identify, acknowledge, and repent for our responsibility in a given situation. When the practice occurs in a relational conflict setting, we speak the mantra that will address the offended party to bring about reconciliation. When we use the mantra for our own well-being, they use this component to voice and accept responsibility for our choices that have harmed our body. This intention expresses acknowledgment of wrongs and harm done to the self and others, either consciously or unconsciously.

Please Forgive Me
Because forgiveness is key to allowing ho’oponopono to work effectively, we must first genuinely seek forgiveness for our actions. This may include seeking forgiveness for all conscious or unconscious areas that may serve as barriers to the love of self, God, or others. For inner healing, we must learn to forgive ourselves and use this component of the mantra to release any negative feelings that may have bound us to the past.

Thank You
This intention is an expression of gratitude. This aspect  reminds us to maintain a mindset of thankfulness in every part of our lives. Research has shown that learning to implement gratitude in daily life can have important long-term health benefits.

I Love You
With the magical words of i love you we can connect with a high vibratory state of grace and love and light.  Love is the most beautiful and harmonizing energy that exists,!!! Having an intent to be loving and in a state of love can allow  us for much greater acceptance, appreciation, and flow in life. Love is literally the key to the universe.  ho’oponopono connects us to that truth and allowes us to  embrace unity love and respect for one another.

Some of the key processes involved in  ho’oponopono practice, like forgiveness, reconciliation, gratitude, and prayer, have been demonstrated in so many different spiritual practices…. there us a universal truth in it!!