Chakra Embodiment

Integrating and Embodying Our Chakras!

As I have been designing this course for myself and working with others and teaching it over the last 2 decades I have noticed that there are many levels in the spiritual work that I do, and that integrating all of these takes time. There are moments when this spiritual integration process can be quite intense, as we all know.

My great prayer is that as you deepen your relationship to your chakras so to do you deepen the connection to your True Self. I wish for you to deepen and embody your soul imprint on Earth and activate your soul gifts so that you can touch the hearts of many.

One toolkit that I have put together with this aim is an online course:

Chakra Embodiment & Healing Journey through the 7 main chakras.

This course is for all who are going through an accelerated remembering process at this time and awakening to your higher self.

This course has 8 modules. It is designed as an 8 week (or 8 month) online course that you can move through at your own pace (so if you need more time, it is no problem).

The course is designed for independent study with 1-on-1 sessions with me that you “add-on” and book as you go along to deepen your journey… IF you choose. You can add these sessions on within the first year. And, will have open access to the online materials for an additional 2 years.

Those who have worked with the course have told me that they needed this time to go back to the modules repeatedly, allowing them to most benefit from the teachings.

This course has been conceived through my personal exploration, embodiment and experience from novice healer to master. I began with “what the heck is a chakra?!” in 2008 when I started my healing journey. To now having evolved into holding, healing, balancing, harmonizing and awakening these energetic centers for myself and others.

This course is designed to support you in your spiritual awakening, It is designed so that you can work with the materials in a flexible manner, at your own pace, with a focus on keeping your attention on your inner world.

Through this course, I offer you the continuing possibility of entering into a deep process with yourself. Within it, you will learn about, reflect on, and do deep research into your own process of spiritual awakening and healing embodiment.

Using affirmations, journal prompts, videos, audio recordings, movement and frequencies you are invited to begin, or deepen, a journey into your own chakra embodiment. As you delve deeper, layer by layer, chakra by chakra at your own pace, your connection to these energetic centers within you will emerge.

Need a Framework for Spiritual Practice?

The course is both for beginners and those who have been in this work for decades. The beautiful thing about this course is that it is suitable for people who are just starting the process of awakening, yet it is multi-layered so it is also a great tool for people who have been walking this path for decades. The modules allow you to reinforce your access to, and knowingness of, your natural inner wisdom.

You can do the course over and over again and learn new things every time. Each time you will receive exactly what you need through a new layer of remembrance.

The modules are designed to be repeated, as this revision allows the consciousness to flow into more expansive states of awareness and embodiment.

It is a collection of elements I have gathered over the last 20 years.

If you need discipline and a framework for integrating spiritual practice into your daily life it will be a partner to you on your path.

What does this online course include?

A total of 8 modules with a large variety of ascension themes, including the 7 main chakras. Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, & Crown. Within these centers you will learn about healing the heart, inner child, inner artist, soul trauma, the pineal gland, alignment, meditation, multidimensional living, the light body, merkaba astral travel, angelic realms, galactic realms and deep re-connection with your authentic self.


-Many hours of guided meditations

-Teachings on Grounding and connecting to Mother Earth and rekindling our wisdom to be stewards of the Earth with re-connection to Gaia as an Earth keeper.

-Deep re-connection to your creative potential and inner artist/soul path

-Visualizations, prayers and affirmations

-Guidance and teachings in videos and audios

-How to activate your own authentic voice and internal power through sound, breath and movement.

-Nutrition & Prana. This course has the capability of being a natural detox and reconnecting you to the energetics of intuitive eating.

-Crystals, essential oils and other subtle energy techniques


-Re-connection to andcommunication with your guardian angels, spirit guides, galactic guides and ascended masters of highest vibration and light.

Please access more information by clicking on the button below.

In service to this great awakening of all …