The energy of winter is that of going within. It’s the fruitful darkness and silence out of which our soul’s yearnings and new inspirations can eventually emerge. As we consciously link our awareness to nature’s cycles, our understanding of our own personal growth cycles begin to deepen.The light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle at Winter Solstice. The rays shine into the dark, and nurture the newborn life there to be cultivated. Often, this time of greatest darkness has encouraged humanity to gather amongst loved ones and celebrate the rebirth and return to the light.Since prehistory, the winter solstice has been a significant time of year in many cultures and has been marked by festivals and rituals. It marked the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun; the gradual waning of daylight hours is reversed and begins to grow again.For many people, the winter solstice marks much more than just the shortest day. Throughout history, societies around the world have held ceremonies and festivals to mark the day of the sun’s rebirth. It symbolizes life, death, and human connection with nature’s most powerful force.Yule Log is a unique ceremonial log lit on the night of the winter solstice or Yule– hence the name Yule Log. It is a ritual performed to help re-ignite the sun. Traditionally, a Yule log fire kept burning all night