All aboard the abundance train

Last nights dream. My family was on a train. It was a good train. Nice. It felt safe &sturdy.
We’d been on the train so long it felt like home. The conductor came and asked me when we were departing. I said “next stop…were ready now.” My husband didnt want to leave. He liked the routine of this train. My children too. I said adamently. “It is time.”
So at the next stop we got off.

Waited on a platform. The fog was so thick. The train we had just left was idly waiting luring us back in. It felt safe and we considered it. Maybe it is not so bad. We could just go back? better than waiting? who knows how long for the next train?. We will get to our destinations on either train….I kept saying no its time. Wait with me. Out of the fog I saw a puff of steam. It was the train! When we got on the conductor punched our tickets and asked for our destinations. I said $600 a week & $5,000 right away… The conductor said. “You are on the wrong train then…”just enough” is the train you left…this train is “abundance/more than enough”….which do you want- you can go back!?”

“I want this train” I replied firmly.

He said “okay whats your destination?”

$100,000 a year. I said quietly in a question voice. He smiled “Now, that is better” He Punched my ticket & said ” it might be bumpy at first but once your in alignment- its smooth sailing from there”….we went to our accomodations. They were great!!! It was awesome so much better than the last train!

I ordered celery juice and the food was all organic. I woke up smiling. I made it onto my train!

What train are you on?

Photo credit to “Al Agnew Wolf Art Express” and others on pinterest.