What is a property reading?

I graduated from level one and two of The Earth Tenders Academy with Amy Dempster of Following Hawlks. In 2021. I have done nany readings since then including working with mybown land. HERE IS A TESTIMONIAL đź’—” Paige truly has the gift of healing hands. She is Lover of Earth and peacekeeper of the land. Her property readings and house clearings are a necessity In keeping harmony in your surroundings. “Michelle Field, NJ.

got this description on what is a property reading from followinghawlks.com website on what is a property reading…

” The spirits don’t care if you “own” the property. You are a steward of whatever land you live on, whether you can see it or not.

A property reading is very similar to one for yourself. In this case, I will ask to meet the keeper of the land, any ancestors present, grandmother or grandfather trees, and ask what messages they have for you.

I’ll also do an energetic scan of the property, looking for any issues that may have occurred in that location at some point in the past. Hurt, pain, or trauma that is lingering on the land can stick to the area energetically, and gunk it up, interrupting the natural flow of energy. ”