Intentions and the new year + the Ostara Collective!

The first of January has sometimes felt to me like an arbitrary date to divide our lives by, since most of our projects and phases don’t conform to the calendar year. We can accomplish a lot in 10 years but so little in one year. We get distracted by what we cant do or don’t do and loose focus and suddenly our new year intentions fall away and we get swept up by the chaos of life. I’ve decided any time is as good a time as any to make resolutions, especially the new moon esch month…we dont have to wait to the first of the year. Besides the new year changes based on our calendar! Did you know April 1st used to be the bew year? The expression April fools comes frlm thosr who were celebrating the new year on the old calendar vs. the new one in Jan! THOUGH I do love the energy of the new year and looking back on our oast and planning our future. I love beginnings…. perhaps there’s some group momentum where we generate  excitement on Jan 1  and we all align ourselves around virtuous intentions together.

My theme in 2924 is exponential growth! I have been guided to create a free course that uses each month as a course for healing based on themes for each month and an alchemist to help me- one of my fellow friends/ light workers ! We will create a membership of light weavers, workers, and warriors helping each other and the collective. Each month specializes in a theme based in spiritual health, wellness, and support.

Jan: Intention✨️ Feb: Self Care💕 March: Abundance💚 April: Rebirth🌟 May: Joy 🐬 June: Release 😂 July: Peace 🕊 Aug: Courage 🦁Sept: Manifestation 🎉Oct: Ancestors 🙌Nov: Gratitude 🙏 Dec: Presence 🎁

Includes: * a recorded interview of those in our field to help expand our gifts and offer tips and tricks on how to live a spiritual life * a monthly guided meditation * a live zoom support group & healing circle with Q&A & * a facebook community

Use your heart as a compass -living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way!

Money is an energetic vibration. God’s source is unlimited. There is no fee. Participation is energetic. $$ by donation 💖 pay what you feel called, when you feel called: As your vibration raises, so too will your abundance which you can share!

Jan: Intention✨️ Feb: Self Care💕 March: Abundance💚 April: Rebirth🌟 May: Joy 🐬 June: Release 😂 July: Peace 🕊 Aug: Courage 🦁Sept: Manifestation 🎉Oct: Ancestors 🙌Nov: Gratitude 🙏 Dec: Presence 🎁

For more information go to my online courses on this page and sign up!!!