Letting go…

Sometimes, we abandon ourselves out of duty, loyalty, or obligation. We go searching outside for approval and validation. We choose turmoil instead of peace.

The antidote to this is always love.

It is time to connect back with our heart. I nurture myself and pour love into that part of me that aches.

I choose peace. I choose freedom.

It’s easy to blame and get upset and angry.

But choosing peace means moving as love moves, and that may mean away from people, places, and things: Including Life Path Fellowship and the relationships therein.

With this- I officially resign my membership and all spiritual connections to Life Path Fellowship and its membership community.

Thank you for the gift of letting me go –
something I would not have done on my own.

I forgive you, and I fully and intentionally release myself from all bonds, cords, oaths, swearings, vows and connections created from my collaboration with Life Path and the souls involved within – wherever these cords may exist – throughout all space, time, and dimensions. I choose my peace and my freedom.

I release any and all attachment energy, entities, negative thought forms, darkness, negativity, density or evil through all the levels, all the bodies, all the lifetimes, across all space, all dimensions and all reality to be transmuted by Christ Consciousness, Arch Angel Michael, and any and all ascended Masters of highest white light to assist in this cord cutting and energetic transmutation bringing this healing down throughout all lifetimes, timelines, past, present and future.

I decree from this moment on and from every level of existence that I am free.