What is cosmic improv

I was a method actress. I moved to NYC to become acomediann actress in 2002. I studied Stanislavsky, Meisner, and Uta Hagen. I got into character by thinking like the character and embodying them. I was a comedian too: studying Improv in NYC at The People’s Improv Theater with Saturday Night Lives Ali Reza Farahnakian, Ptolemy Slocum, and Kristen Schaal (to name drop if you like that, lol) . I studied improv at the PIT (a conservatory style training) and learned the lessons of Improv’s Guru Del Close and it changed my life.

Improv Teaches you:

1) Say Yes, And
2) Listen to Really Listen
3) failing is okay
4) Use your imagination
5) Follow the fear
6) There are no mistakes
7) Everything is possible
8) Find the gift
9) PLAY the game
10) whatever you do, do it 100%

And…Always: Have fun!

These are also life lessons on how to live, love and in terms of manifestation…teach you how to tap into the Joy frequency and manifest more good stuff in your life!

There are no mistakes for the divine. Life gives us lemons, sure. But lemons are a key ingredient to the best receipes! I love lemon merangue!
Yes, And,
lemon water is a very detoxifying way to start your day!

There is always a gift in each lesson. Instead of thinking “why is this happening?” We can rephrase it to ” why is this happening FOR me?!”…

or “what is the gift in this?”

Learning how to experience life with the philsophy of “Yes, And” adds healing and laughter to your life. Life begins to get better with finding your moments of joy and saying yes to them!

“Yes, And” creates momentum where you tell the universe…I have JOY here..Yes, And…show me more!!! Joy is the highest frequency.

Improv will teach you to listen and use imaginative play or improvisation to manifest the life you desire!

When I started my spiritual practice as a Reiki Master in 2008, I took the 5 principals of Reiki and they also changed my life for the better.

Reiki principals are:

1. Just for today, I will not anger 2. Just for today I will not worry. 3. Just for today I will live honestly 4. Just for today, I will honor my higher self, my parents, teachers, and elders. 5. Just for today, I will show gratitude for everything.

When I applied the Reiki principals and with my improv mantras of “yes, and” my life started to turn around…or, at least I was different in how I reacted and acted to my everyday struggles. I wasn’t a constant drama queen on stage and off! My life started to flow with more grace; ease and JOY!

I started “yes, and-ing” my life and my healing! This is how I live now! And I want to share it with you!

I call my medicine “cosmic improv” because I blend improv and healing. As a healer and medicine woman I work in the quantum field. Life is all a beautiful improvisation from birth to death! Much of my teaching and healing comes through as transmissions from spirit, also another improvisation of the highest form. Thus, we have Cosmic Improv: Channeled sessions. Healing through Laughter. Manifesting through JOY. Tapping into your inner artist and aligning harmony, bringing balance and flow through your healing and chakra embodiment.

If you’re interested in learning more about cosmic improv & more about how to heal through laughter and play….I am the teacher for you. Say yes, and….to your higher self.