heart as a compass

Im trying my interviwes again…would you be a guest on it? It will be via zoom, and shown live on my YouTube page. A public recording will be on my youtube channel as well. Interview will be one hour long. Theme is “hearts as a compass” and following your intuitive guidance. I will go with flow but my four main questions are 1) Tell me who you are, what you do and how you became the woman you are today? 2) How has your heart been a compass for your lifes path? 3) What advice do you have to our listeners now and in future on how to recognise and follow their intuitive guidance 4) How can we as a human collective make this earth a vision of love and beauty? This when you will share a parting gift…. you can you include a free gift to listeners w/ a value $50 or less….they can go to you or your website directly or you can include it in the interview… if we have time…as in a guided meditation, transmission, drumming etc.

if you would like to showcase YOU reach out. To watch other videos on this series go to my YouTube play list!


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