Astrological points 👉 2024

Say goodbye to exhaustion, energy attacks, low vibration disruptions and hello to knowing and mastering your spiritual boundaries and energetic channel. We all need to connect tp source and clear our energetic fields with daily practice of grounding, clean foods, low to no caffeine exerscize and anchor in light.

I read this online:

” On January 20th, 2024, one of the significant astrological events will occur as Pluto enters Aquarius. This transit will bring about profound changes and have a significant impact. Pluto will spend approximately eight months in Aquarius before briefly retrograding back into Capricorn on September 1st. However, it will reenter Aquarius on November 19th, where it will stay for the next 20 years without interruption. During its time in Aquarius, Pluto will catalyse advancements and transformative changes in various areas. These include healthcare, technology, data, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, humanitarian work, global consciousness, and systems of power. The brief glimpse we had in May and June of 2023 foreshadowed what this period would be like.As Pluto enters Aquarius, it heralds a shift away from society that values individual ego During this intense shadow period of Mercury retrograde, unresolved memories, traumas, and unfulfilled desires may resurface, triggering emotional reactions. Instead of ignoring or suppressing these emotions, it is important to allow them to surface. When you feel ready, verbally declare,

“I now choose to release this pain.” Take your time to reflect on the lessons you have learned from this experience. Consider the strengths you have gained and reflect on how you can approach similar situations differently in the future.Walking in the light, taking action instead of just talking, is a transformative experience. In life, we learn valuable lessons from every person we encounter. Some lessons are painful, others are painless, but all have the highest potential to be above priceless. When we are honest with ourselves and pursue what brings us internal fulfilment and happiness, our lives begin to slow down. We no longer just long for the weekend or special events for the sake of appearances. Instead, we live and love in the present moment, feeling more grounded , authentic and regulated.Ascending souls can now flow through life calmly and gratefully in new earth energy embracing the ebbs and flows with contentment experiencing joy along the way . As you continue on this path, new perspectives and understanding emerge as the veils continue to rapidly lift. Lightworkers / Starseeds are strategically placed around the world where their presence is needed. While not everyone is aware of the ongoing process of Ascension in themselves and in the world, it is important to trust in this journey, even as others continue to remain in the dark. Let your inner light shine wherever you go. Trust that despite overcoming your deepest pain you may still be healing and processing All you have endured, you have remained steadfast and trusted in higher self . Even when those who are still asleep around you judged you, you chose to maintain belief in Self. .You embarked on a journey of conscious awareness in the 5th beyond dimensions staying connected to the loving and spiritual reality you were creating, instead of being controlled by the fearful 3D matrix. You have released the fears that held you back and walked away from limitations and suffering. In their place, you chose the planetary purpose , freedom, wisdom, and believed in a positive outcome not only for yourself but for all beings.Now, you can recognise that you have been divinely guided through your significant and magnificent Ascension. The challenging journey has proven to be well worth it. With increasing trust, you rise above your perceived problems , knowing that everything is being taken care of, and humanity is finally being liberated.You have gained more trust in yourself and in your own divine power. You are ready to fully embrace love, knowing that your open heart can no longer be harmed by those In lower consciousness in society.As an ascending soul, be prepared for surprises and sudden changes that may disrupt yet benefit your life. Soon, the planets align, and the energies of the Aquarius age will create new opportunities and open new doorways for you. It may initially feel unsettling as you absorb and emit Earth’s 5th dimensional frequencies, requiring adjustments and integration that can feel overwhelming.Many others are called to align themselves with the new earth energy and embrace the changes that are in energetic harmony with unconditional creator love. The ego, which once projected conditional love, control, jealousy, insecurities, and possessiveness, no longer exists as involved or in control. In the 5th dimensional existence, these qualities are purged from your being, as residual energy from past 3D living is constantly cleared away.To progress on your ascension journey, it is important to let go of the need to please others or fix them. These actions only delay your internal development . Ascension is inevitable for those who are authentic and awakening, although it will require facing uncomfortable situations and truths in self in humanity and in this new Aquarius era, new cycles of relationships and friendships are now beginning. Planetary energies are supporting the release of what needs to come to an end. This is an essential part of stepping into your higher purpose on this planet. It is a time to let go of anything that is causing you harm or holding you back.The current earth energy is loving , beautiful and transformative. After a period of chaotic energy filled with confusion, fear, and panic within the collective, a surge of celestial light codes from the sun has enveloped us in a blanket of love and bliss. This sudden shift has brought about a sense of internal serene and calmness, where our souls instinctively know that everything is working out for our highest good . Amidst the chaos, there is a powerful collective tranquility, intuition is heightened during this time, it is a higher opportunity to meditate and connect with your soul guides. Basking in this beautiful energy of love and light is encouraged, as there is great power in both love and calmness. Embrace this inner transformation, as it signifies the arrival of the 5th dimension.As you ascend you are shedding the old version of yourself, and anything that no longer aligns with your higher vibration will be dismantled and transformed into love. Behind the scenes, wonderful things are happening for you. 2024 marks a turning point in elevated human consciousness, with ongoing energy shifts spiritually and on Earth. During this global power shift, continue to internally heal as you manifest the new world you have been waiting for.”

I am not sure where the source came from but I needed to share it and save it for myself for later. If you are the source please contact me so I can update this and give you credit.

🪶 Are you struggling to find your footing amidst the chaos of energy