Mediumship Readings

What is the difference?

A psychic could be one who just “knows” and has no idea how they know. Often this is a psychic gift called Clair cognizance. It is when one acquires psychic knowledge without knowing how or why they knew it often called “clear knowing”. This is where trust comes in. Sometimes you just have to trust that you know it! own it!

Often Psychics use divination methods to assist them in their knowing. Tarot, Runes, Oracle Cards, etc. Most of these methods come from a logical place of study that can then be interpreted. For example if you study TAROT, each tarot card has a message and meaning so one can “logically know” the meaning of the card based on book knowledge and study. For those that do not trust their own abilities they can simple read the cards. Yet more often than not, the cards are a tool to help you open up to your gifts and knowing – this is why we “read the cards” we are opening our psychic gifts and interpreting them based on our inner knowing, feeling, sensing, perceiving. So while one can read Tarot with absolutely no belief in source, source will guide them in the interpretation of it, They are not just looking at the cards and relaying information – there is interpretation that comes through- and this is often from a place of Clair cognizance- clear knowing!

Versus if they claim to be a medium, they use the cards to inspire messages from source and get messages from their guides or yours to pass on to you, like clues. Mediums are able to get in touch with spiritual beings to get information, Mediums….meaning they are in the middle – receiving messages and passing them on- the messages do not come from them they come from spirit.

We all have our own gifts and because we are not all the same, we do not have all the same gifts in the same ways. So as you open up to your psychic abilities you must first TRSUT your gifts and do not get distracted by other people’s abilities! For example, if you have ever done a guided meditation and got frustrated because the person kept saying “see a red apple” and you cannot see a red apple…please stop being frustrated! Replace “SEE” with Feel, Think, Know, Perceive, imagine… if you do not “see” it means your psychic gifts are different then the person leading the meditation. Mediums often use other gifts to receive messages from spirit and share them…some may see spirits/guides coming in with messages…

  • Hearing
  • Seeing
  • Feeling
  • Knowing
  • Smelling
  • Tasting

are ways we can experience and receive messages from beyond the veil.

Most people think you have to see but I hope now you understand that Clairvoyance: is known as “Clear seeing” visionary states. It means your perception stems from seeing with your “third eye”. is just one of the many ways to receive messages! If you do not “see” it means this psychic gift is not your leading ability, (it may come online as you open your other gifts). I know for me I did not see, My leading psychic gift was Clairsentience: “Clear feeling” is most commonly known as “empathic”. Someone that feels somebody else’s emotions. but as I open up more and more to spirit more and more of my gifts are coming online including the ability to “see”.

I explain it like this: You know you have a tree in your yard. It is dark. Pitch black at night. You cannot see it. Yet you know it is there. Just TRUST that whatever you think or feel or desire to be there is there and allow the blackness behind your eyes to be a cloak to hide it from view, still knowing and trusting it is there.

All of these gifts will come on line with practice. After years and years of not “seeing” I am starting to see, it is like daybreak the colors come in slowly….Just trust! All is well!

I personally do believe in source. For me everything comes from divine.

Now your next question may be what the difference between is a medium and a channel…. Well, those are again different psychic gifts that come online. Physical mediumship or incorporation: : When a person is merging with spirit. A person maybe partially embodied or 100% embodied. This is when spirit is moving you from inside of you. When you are embodied, spirit uses the physical functions of your body to communicate such os your vocal chords. Example- Xenoglosia: Light Language aka “Speaking in Tongues” . When a person can speak or write in a language that he or she has never studied, but rather as a memory of a past life. Another example is bringing light codes through in the way of sounds.

Moral of the story here” TRUST.

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